NA61 news and plans News from other labs/experiments Collaboration meeting, Cern, June 6-10, 2011 News from other labs/experiments Progress since the last collaboration meeting (October 2010) News on data taking in 2011+
News from other labs/experiments Earthquake in Japan stops data taking by T2K for about one year, Significant effort to analyze already taken data. Pierre Auger Collaboration decided not to construct the Pierre Auger North Observatory. Results for RHIC and LHC confirm the NA49 data and interpretation on the onset of deconfinement.
The horn The step Confirmation of the importance of the NA61 ion program
Progress since the last collaboration meeting First ion beams in NA61! (Nov/Dec 2010) O N C B at 13A GeV/c Be Li He
Progress since the last collaboration meeting Test of secondary light ion beams (Nov. 22 – Dec. 6, 2010) NA61/CERN status report: SPSC-2011-005 The Z-detector prototype did not work, new design is under preparation
Secondary ion beam Z2 spectra at 13A GeV/c The H2 beam line The H2 fragment separator
PSD construction close to completion Electronics for full PSD (44 + 2 (spare) sets) is ready and tested, 32 sets have been installed in existing 32 modules. The next beam test takes place this week.
He beam pipe installed and tested in VTPC-1 and VTPC-2 The beam test takes place this week.
He tube ready for installation PSD
Software upgrade Proposal for the NA61 software upgrade was recommended by the CERN PH-SFT committee (Feb. 10, 2011), and the requested support was approved by the CERN Directorate The core group worked at CERN in March-April 2011
Good progress on Virtualization Data base and bookkeeping
Calibration moving towards the end of the 2009 data calibration, first dE/dx and ToF calibrations, No major problems, but still many things to do ... in spite of well organized effort of many of us
Analysis Paper on pion production in p+C at 31 GeV/c passed the CERN review, it is submitted to arXiv: 1102.0983 and PRC, the revised draft is in preparation Preliminary results on: - K+ spectra and - y-pt spectra of negatively charged pions In p+C interactions at 31 GeV/c are released
First look at the calibrated 2009 data impressed by high statistics
Welcome in NA61! Three new institutions joined us University of Belgrade University of Wroclaw University of Nova Gorica Welcome in NA61!
News on data taking in 2011+ 1) TEST: canceled, but now several days this week We will ask for a parasitic running a week before physics with proton beams 2) PHYSICS: from July 29, 8:00 to September 19, 8:00 14 days p+p at 13 GeV/c 35 days p+p at 158 GeV/c 4 days p+Pb at 158 GeV/c 3) TEST+PHYSICS: from November 7, 8:00 to December 7, 8:00 10 days Be+Be at 158 GeV/c 10 days Be+Be at 80 GeV/c 10 days Be+Be at 40 GeV/c
NA61 protons NA61 ions
2012+ LHC will run in 2012 A long (15+ months) LHC shutdown is planned in 2013+ It is under discussion when the shutdown will start and whether during the whole LHC shutdown period the SPS will also be closed