Siobhan Wilson Educational Psychology Service An Introduction to Mindfulness Mearns Castle High School 19th September 2017 Siobhan Wilson Educational Psychology Service
National Context
Stress ‘Consider…that a zebra runs for it’s life when chased by a lion, but once the chase is over it quickly returns to grazing on the savannah. But this is seldom the case for humans because we constantly think, analyse, fantasise, predict and anticipate. These new brain capacities can cause us to spend half the day dwelling on how terrible it would have been if the lion had caught us(!). We might run all kinds of images and fantasises through our minds which terrify us. And then we worry about whether something similar might happen tomorrow – what if we don’t spot it next time…’ A lot of what causes us to feel this stress is perceived threats- work, relationships, our thoughts…. They trigger the same response as a real life threat.
The ‘Fight or Flight’ Response
What is Mindfulness?
‘The awareness that emerges through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgementally, to the unfolding of experience, moment by moment’ Jon Kabat-Zinn
Being on Automatic Pilot Mindfulness practice encourages you to focus on the small changes in thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations that are linked to mood fluctuations To focus on them we have to become more aware of them Increased awareness means we can respond to situations with choice rather than react automatically. We do this by practicing becoming more aware of where out attention is, and deliberately changing the focus of attention over and over again.
…sitting on the river bank…
Mindfulness Practice
Core Practice Breathing practice Body scan Mindful movement Meditation
Mindfulness Practice ‘repeating the specific mental activity of re-directing attention towards present experience’ (Davis, 2012, p32). Can be divided into two approaches: The first encourages the individual to focus their attention on an object of experience, such as the feelings and sensations of breathing or a small piece of food they are eating (Kabat-Zinn, 1990; Fletcher & Hayes, 2005). The second approach involves individuals paying attention to ‘whatever is in their experience’. During this approach, participants are encouraged to become aware of their thoughts without trying to stop or control them (Davis, 2012, p32).
Mindfulness is a Superpower. https://www. youtube. com/watch
Mindfulness Vs Relaxation Alertness decreases Can help by controlling physiological response Mindfulness Alertness increases Meditation requires a certain level of relaxation whilst still maintaining alertness and mental clarity Confronts stressful events- without experiencing the stressful nature
Principles of Mindfulness Non-judging Patience Beginner’s mind Acceptance Letting go Apply these principles
How does it work?
“that one has the internal resources to meet the demands”
Impact of Mindfulness Brain region Impact of Mindfulness Anterior cingulate cortex (self regulation of emotion) Enhanced activation Prefrontal cortex (attention and emotion) Posterior cingulate cortex (self awareness) Enhanced activation R side Insula (awareness and emotional processing) Amygdala (emotional processing) Decreased activation R side Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16, 213–225 (2015) doi:10.1038/nrn3916
The views of S4 pupils, their parents and school staff following a mindfulness intervention
Improved relationships Increased practice Limitations Practicalities Overall Themes Impact Ethos Normalising Calmer Exams Focused Calm Able to cope Control Relaxed Improved relationships Increased practice Limitations Practicalities Classroom environment Out of cass Time Practice Staffing Embarrassing Initially Future Continue practice Autonomy Format Follow up Drop ins Start earlier
“Others feel like this too… I’m not the only one.” “...makes it kind of easier to get along with people who would annoy you sometimes.” “During one of the exams I had a moment of panic and just did a bit of breathing and focused back on the question.” “I liked that it was a stress free class in school that day. So if I was stressed, after mindfulness I would feel more relaxed and calm.” “Others feel like this too… I’m not the only one.” “In the morning especially when I am really tired, it helped me wake up and feel more awake…It really helped with the day ahead…especially if I had a hard class after mindfulness, it gets me focused.” “I sometimes do a short body scan when I have a lot to do, just to relax and focus before getting through all the things.” “I started thinking ‘that’s it, I’m not going to get in.’ I embarrassed myself. But then I started to think ‘no, it will be ok.’ I didn’t allow my thoughts to go too far and freak me out.” “I stress about everything really abnormally. But my mum looked at me after my exams and said ‘you haven’t freaked out at all. You haven’t stressed as much as I thought you would.’ Even in 3rd year I was be stressed about exams. But I stayed calm” “I see it as something that prevents you from building up that kind of stress.” “When I was sitting in the exam and I would get something that was really freaking me out, I would like, take a minute and breathe and it calmed me down.”
“She didn’t feel stigmatised.” “She’s planning to do 6 Highers and I told her that’s maybe too much. But she said ‘no, I know how to cope’… I don’t think she would take on something like this if she didn’t know how to deal with stress and organise herself.” “She didn’t feel stigmatised.” “She’s not falling out with my husband as much.” “When he has an argument with me or his siblings, he sort of is considering exploding but then takes a step back and thinks about it.” “I noticed she stopped biting her nails, then the other day I saw her painting her nails.” “My son was going to an audition on his own. I got a text from him …stressed as he was running late. So I got there to drive him and he just said ‘I’m doing mindfulness’… It really helped to get him through.” “It would be helpful to introduce mindfulness at the earliest possible stage in formal education and incorporate aspects of the approach into the mainstream curriculum.”
“A lot of the time they feel like things are outwith their control.” “I think they felt more able to cope with things. It was the right time for them.” “The invigilators also commented that they noticed a change… the atmosphere was calmer.” “I noticed a general difference in the atmosphere before and during the exams. Last year pupils were having panic attacks and leaving the exam hall and staff spent time getting pupils back in.“ “They practiced before they studied or before something difficult was happening.” “A lot of the time they feel like things are outwith their control.” “I think we invested a lot of time and practiced ourselves.” “I like that the approach helps young people to feel like they have more control over how they respond to things. I think a lot of the time they feel like things are out of their control.”
What you resist, persists… what you accept, transforms.
One moment…
Apps Stop, breathe and think Headspace Calm Smiling meditation Simply being Meditation helper Room to breathe
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf…” Jon Kabat-Zinn