EYFS SENCo FORUM 10th October 2017
AGENDA Support for children with SEND – The Graduated Response SEND Inclusion funding - Provision mapping training bitesize session Useful Guide for SEND Support Continued Professional Development requirements
The Graduated Response
The Best Start Learning Collaboration Support and advice in respect of how your setting can best deliver with regards to the EYFS and SEND Code of Practice/Equalities Act 2010 Second opinion as to whether the support should move to a more targeted support ( with parental permission) Training and events Contact: earlylearning@crosfield.croydon.sch.uk
Targeted Support – By Referral That required over and above that which is ordinarily available with inclusive and differentiated practice, has been required over a sustained period of time, following implementation of a graduated response to the child’s needs.( Assess/Plan/Do/Review Cycle) Refer to Best Start Early Help team- Use the Early Help Referral Form or Early Help Assessment Include up to date exact fit tracking( no more than 6 weeks old, provision map, support plans( IEPs) highlighting the strategies in place and extent to which they have been successful, information from parents and other professionals
Personalised Support A small number of children with complex and long term needs may require a higher level of enhanced support within the setting to access the learning environment. That support required over and above the targeted support Some of these children are usually already known to the service and are supported by the SEND team- often through notification from health If no other services involved refer in to Best Start Early Help
A useful guide for SEND support
Provision Mapping
Provision Mapping What is Provision Mapping? Why is it used? When to use Provision Mapping? Example Provision Map?
What is Provision Mapping? A system which records the identification of provision/interventions to support children with additional/special educational needs Helps to to identify exactly what a setting offers all children including those with additional/special educational needs that is above and beyond what is ordinarily provided for in differentiated provision
What is Provision Mapping? Links to the child’s educational provision (IEP/support plan) and tracked progress in the EYFS Will be reviewed regularly e.g. 6-8 weeks Provision mapping delivers evidence to support how funding is being used and it’s effectiveness
Why is provision mapping used? Equality Act 2010 5.10 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice (2014) Early Years Inspection Handbook, page 45, outcomes for children, Good (2) judgement Evidence to show how the settings is using funding to support a child’s individual needs
When to use provision mapping? Group provision mapping All children with SEND have a minimum entitlement to Ordinarily Available provision, regardless of which setting they attend. Some settings will need to make adaptations to their practice if they are to meet the expectations of Ordinarily Available provision (Differentiated provision) Differentiated practice may include provision such as the use of visual timetables, planned groupings of children at story time etc.. Provision mapping identifies how funding for ordinarily available provision is being used and effectiveness of this (Group provision map)
When to use provision mapping When to use provision mapping? Higher level personalised funding Individual provision map Provision mapping identifies the interventions provided by the setting to support additional/special educational needs that is above and beyond what is ordinarily provided for in differentiated provision for individual children (Refer to example individual provision map) http://www.childcarebusinesscroydon.co.uk/i nclusion/584-2/
Example Provision Map MAG - Provision Mapping template
Inclusive Practice Funding Audit Inclusive Practice Funding -To facilitate inclusive practice and the capacity of the SENCO and to enable settings to implement what should ordinarily be available.
Providers must adhere to the conditions in the Directory of Providers to evidence impact of funding. The annual funding in respect of Inclusive Practice is calculated on the number of 3 and 4 year old children claimed on the January Census head count day, which is used for the DfE census. Providers delivering funded places which are open and trading on census head count day will receive an allocation Payments are made on a monthly basis to Early Years settings. There is no adjustment to this budget
Early Years Settings should keep a record of how the funding is being used include: Allocated time for the SENCO, including attendance at training and forums Resources available to support inclusive practice ( This does not include large pieces of equipment/specialist equipment) Training undertaken by the Early Years Setting
Professional Development To demonstrate good quality inclusive practice settings are encouraged to: Devise a SEND training plan/tracker Ensure that all SENCOs new to the role attend the SENCO training- Details on the childcare website. Sign up to the NASEN website ( www.nasen.org.uk) and access the free training. The SENCO will lead on this in the first instance and then encourage each practitioner to also access the training, supported by the SENCO/Manager. Include this in your induction/supervision/ SEF. Undertake an Inclusion Self Evaluation –to be sent out.
Networking and Questions