Certified Medical Assistant Support position in allied health Training obtained at a junior college or trade school (or MHS CTE!) Training is 9-12 months and can cost anywhere from $2500 to $12000 Must pass certification for AAMA, hold a BLS provider card and other certs required by employer Typically works in a doctors office, hospital, clinic, nursing home or home health Annual salary average in Texas is $29,100 Job duties include vital signs, medication administration including injections, medical records, medical test preparation and other duties as assigned by a doctor
Certified nursing assistant Theraputic care giver for the elderly and disabled Training obtained at a junior college, trade school, nursing home or MHS CTE! Training is 6-9 weeks on average and can cost $900-$2200 Must pass the Texas Nurse Aid exam to become certified Typically works in a Skilled Nursing Facility, nursing home or home health agency Annual salary in Texas averages $25,710 Job duties include basic care, wound care, assist with activities of daily living including feeding and cleaning, dressing, and moving around
SO, you want to be a nurse?
Licensed vocational nurse (LVN) Also called an LPN in every state except Texas and California The LVN is a basic trained nurse Training is almost exclusively limited to junior college programs although some trade schools offer programs Training is typically 1 year if prerequisites are met and can cost around $3000 Must pass the NCLEX-PN Average salary in Texas is $39,510 Job duties include personal care, vitals, wound care, assisting RN and MD and other bedside care. Some may draw blood and administer basic tests
Associates degree registered nurse (ADN-RN) A registered nurse is responsible for all aspects of patient care as ordered by a doctor Training is exclusive to a community college ADN is a 2 year program after completion of pre-requisites and acceptance and can cost around $6000 Must pass the NCLEX exam and hold BLS and other specialty certifications Can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, private agencies, the government and in any other healthcare related setting Average salary in Texas is $67,490 plus shift differentials and stipends Can perform any nursing care, testing, procedure, medication administration and bedside care as approved by a doctor through direct order or protocol
Bachelor of science registered nurse (BSN-RN) A registered nurse responsible for all aspects of patient care including advanced care as directed by a physician Training is exclusive to a 4 year university with a nursing program BSN is a 4 year program, or 2 years after completion of an ADN and can cost $13- 30,000 BSN must also pass the NCLEX unless already certified as an RN Can work anywhere an RN can, but BSN is recommended in ER, OR, ICU and L&D due to hospital funding called “magnet status” Salary average in Texas is $75,484 with shift differentials and stipends
Master science nurse and specialist Nurse manager – BSN + 2 years. Costs is about $14,000 Nurse managers run a department or hospital and are mostly administration Average Salary is $70,000 – 119,000 Nurse Practitioner – BSN + 3 years. Cost is about $20,000 Can operate as a primary care provider with a doctor oversite. Can write some prescriptions, but needs a doctor to approve. Average salary is $77,000 – 112,000 Advanced Nurse practitioner – BSN + 4 years. Cost is about $25,000 Can operate as an advanced provider as an emergency, family, pediatric or neonatal practictioner with minimal doctor over site Average Salary is $80-120,000
Certified Nurse Midwife Assists with pregnancy and delivery of a baby without OB/GYN oversite Gives an all natural childbirth process Has OB/GYN affiliation, just in case BSN + 3 years. Cost is $18,000 Salary can be $80-150,000 depending on number of paients
Certified registered nurse anesthesiologist BSN + 4 years. Cost of education is about $50,000 Stands in for anesthesiologist during surgery and procedures. Administers pain control, paralytics, watches vitals, keeps patients asleep but alive. This is the most competitive nursing education available. Salary ranges from $120-190,000 annual. Success rates are very low.
What can an RN specialize in? ER, Trauma, Psychiatry, Labor and Delivery, Antepartum, Postpartum, Neonatal, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Cardiac Testing, Neurology, Endocrinology, Oncology, Orthopedics, Geriatrics, Opthalmology, Clinical Lab Sciences, Ortho and Periodontics, ENT, Gastroentestinal, Urology, Gynecology, Podiatry, Dermatology, Reproduction, Blood, Forensics, Hospice, Infectious Diseases, Home Health, Critical Care (ICU), Wound care, and countless other specialties. How do you specialize? GET THE JOB! GET all of the required certifications before you apply!!!!
Alternative certifications Basic Life Support (CPR) Neonatal Rescucsitation Practices STABLE (Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood Pressure, Lab Work, Emotional Support) Advanced Cardiac Life Support Pediatric Advanced Life Support Advanced Burn Life Support International Trauma Life Support Electrocardiogram Technician Phlebotomist Certification Respiratory Technician Pain Control Specialist First Aid – Whatever makes YOU STAND OUT!!!