Total Medicare Beneficiary Deaths, 2014: 2.1 million


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Presentation transcript:

Total Medicare Beneficiary Deaths, 2014: 2.1 million 4 of 5 people who died in the United States in 2014 were covered by Medicare    Total Deaths, 2014: 2.6 million Total Medicare Beneficiary Deaths, 2014: 2.1 million SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Spending at the End of Life: A Snapshot of Beneficiaries Who Died in 2014 and the Cost of Their Care,” July 2016. Data from Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of 5% percent sample of Medicare claims from CMS’ Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW), 2014 (for total Medicare beneficiary deaths in 2014); National Center for Health Statistics, Health, United States, 2015: With Special Feature on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 2016, Table 19 (for total deaths in 2014).

The share of total Medicare spending for people at the end of life has decreased NOTE: Excludes beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Spending at the End of Life: A Snapshot of Beneficiaries Who Died in 2014 and the Cost of Their Care,” July 2016. Data from Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of 5% percent sample of Medicare claims from CMS’ Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW), 2014.

Medicare spending was higher for people at the end of life in 2014 NOTE: Excludes beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Spending at the End of Life: A Snapshot of Beneficiaries Who Died in 2014 and the Cost of Their Care,” July 2016. Data from Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of 5% percent sample of Medicare claims from CMS’ Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW), 2014.

Medicare spending for end-of-life care decreased with age in 2014 Decedents with Medicare Age in Years NOTE: Excludes beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage. 65-year-olds excluded because most are enrolled for less than one year. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, “Medicare Spending at the End of Life: A Snapshot of Beneficiaries Who Died in 2014 and the Cost of Their Care,” July 2016. Data from Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of 5% percent sample of Medicare claims from CMS’ Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW), 2014.

Medicare hospice use and spending has increased Share of Decedents who Received Hospice Care Total Medicare Hospice Spending 2000 2014 2000 2014 NOTE: Excludes beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of 5% percent sample of Medicare claims from CMS’ Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW), 2000 and 2014.

Many people aged ≥ 65 years have not discussed end-of-life care with a physician (2015) or documented end-of-life care wishes (2013) Before January 1, 2016, Medicare did not reimburse physicians for patient visits to discuss EOL care. SOURCE: Pie 1: Kaiser Family Foundation Tracking Poll, September 2015; Pie 2: Pew Research Center, “Views on End-of-Life Medical Treatments,” November 2013.

Most physicians report not being trained to discuss end-of-life care (2016) Before January 1, 2016, Medicare did not reimburse physicians for patient visits to discuss EOL care. SOURCE: The John A. Harford Foundation “Conversation Stopper: What’s Preventing Physicians from Talking with Patients about End-of-Life and Advance Care Planning?” Poll, April 2016.