OBJECTIVES Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program Best Practices and Outcomes Key Gaps in the System Priority Actions
Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Programs Private Groups ……………………………………… Government Privately Sponsored (PSR) Settlement Support -Private sponsors, SAHs/CGs, G5, CS Refugees Referral -Private sponsors Blended Visa Office-Referred (BVOR) Settlement Support -Jointly by Government & Private Sponsors Refugee Referral **Visa office Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS) Settlement Support -Full financial support by government and settlement support by private sponsors. Refugee Referral ** Visa officer as having special needs Government Assisted (GAR) Settlement Support - Full support by government Settlement agencies through Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) Refugee Referral UNHCR; selected by Government of Canada
Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) Constituent Group (CG) Private sponsors who can Sponsor Refugees Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) An incorporated organization that has signed an Agreement to sponsor refugees with the Government of Canada & Constituent Group (CG) A group that has been authorized by a SAH to sponsor refugees under its Agreement Co-sponsor A person or group that has been authorized by a SAH to sponsor refugees under its Agreement Group of Five Five Canadian citizens or permanent residents Community Sponsor Any organization, association or corporation
Sponsoring Group’s Settlement Responsibilities include Reception Welcome them at the airport! Orientation - Who are the sponsors? Money flow & budgeting Groceries Transportation Housing Arrange for temporary accommodation Help to find permanent accommodation Health Care Apply for provincial health card Apply for Interim Federal Health program Find doctor, dentist, other health services Education Enrol adults in English/French classes Enrol children in school Important Documents/Services - Apply for child tax benefit Apply for Social Insurance Number Open bank account Arrange for interpretation Employment Connect with job search services Emotional & Moral Support Connect newcomer(s) with a settlement agency
SPO Responsibilities Additional settlement support Connecting newcomers with appropriate resources and services Ensure newcomers are aware of their rights and obligations Assist with managing expectations of new comers and sponsors
Best Practices and Outcomes Joint meeting between SPO’s and sponsors to discuss available settlement services and how both parties partner to deliver services Jointly develop settlement plans and coordinate services/support Meetings at key intervals during the sponsorship period Outcome : Maximize the settlement and integration outcomes for new comers
Key Gaps in the System Lack of knowledge on both sides Sponsors and SPO Some sponsors are reactive than proactive No roadmap or streamlined process for PSR referrals List of responsibilities outlined by IRCC for SPO and sponsors has gray areas Lack of data sharing on PSR arrivals
Priority Actions Access RSTP for training on roles and responsibilities of sponsors and SPO’s Collaboration between RSTP and MANSO to provide more resources Clearly defined list of responsibilities by IRCC Referring newcomers to access SPOs should be included on the list of sponsor’s responsibilities
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