The Land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


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Presentation transcript:

MESOPOTAMIA (3500 B.C.E.-1700 B.C.E.) The Land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Also called The Fertile Crescent First civilization was SUMER

GOVERNMENT City-states Each had its own ruler (also head of religion – theocracy) Were eventually united under single rulers King Hammurabi created a written law code Pertained to all aspects of life Did not apply to all people equally

ECONOMY Farming – basis for economy Grew grains, vegetables, dates, flax Domesticated sheep, goats, cows, oxen, and donkeys Evidence shows they traded with other civilizations Merchants Artisans Three social classes King and nobles Merchants and artisans Peasants and slaves Women had few legal rights in Sumerian society

RELIGION King was the head of the religion, as well as the government Each city-state had its own chief deity Like most ancient religions, Sumer was polytheistic (believed in as many as 2000 gods) Built amazing temples (ziggurats) to honor gods)

INNOVATIONS (Technology) Developed the first writing – cuneiform Built clay brick structures – ziggurats (temples) Developed the arch, ramps, sewers, and the wheel Number system based on 60 and algebra Had a lunar calendar

ANCIENT EGYPT Gift of the Nile Located in the Nile River Valley in North Africa Fertile soil Yearly floods Building resources Natural protection from invasion

POLITICS Ruled by dynasties (ruling families) King was called “pharaoh”, (monarchy) Considered as gods. Had absolute power but also could be blamed for wars, floods, and disease Controlled army & defended Egypt from invasion Owned all the land and made all the laws Eventually created empires by uniting sections of Egypt There were even some women Pharaohs (Hatshepsut was the 1st woman ruler in the world)

ECONOMY Pharaoh was at the center of Egyptian society & controlled the economy Social classes Nobles- officials and priests who helped run the government and temples Soldiers, professions like doctors and accountants . Scribes wrote and craftspeople produced goods. Most Egyptians were peasants- farmers and unskilled workers Below them were servants and slaves. Women had some legal rights, but were still considered less than equal to men Trade was prominent throughout the kingdom and with other civilizations

RELIGION Polytheistic Believed in a specific afterlife Mummified bodies Believed pharaoh was a “god-king”

The Arts Built huge temples and pyramids Sphinx, obelisks Decorated tombs and temples with drawings and hieroglyphics that recorded history and depicted everyday life, as well as the pharaohs and their families

The Indus River Valley Civilization Geography Located in the Indus River Valley on the Indian subcontinent This area of Asia is separated from the rest of the continent by the highest mountains in the world The Kyber Pass thru the Hindu Kush mountains allow people to cross into the Indus River Valley Mountains to north and desert to the east protect from invasion Indus and Ganges Rivers provide fertile land Yearly floods deposit fertile soil in the region- unpredictable Weather is influenced by yearly monsoons which were also unpredictable Much is unknown about the civilization- its language is not understood today Seem to be peaceful people who did not worry about war

POLITICAL STRUCTURE The center of government was the citadel (def: the core fortified area of a town or city) The main citadel in Indus Valley was almost 12 meters tall The purpose of these structures, however, remains debated.  Several large buildings and structures on the Citadel mound suggest that this area may have been used for public gatherings, religious activities or important administrative activities. Theocracy,- civilization run by religious leaders- Exact political structure structure unknown Eventually, the Arayans took control Cities used a grid like system of roads Homes made of standard size bricks Early plumbing and drainage system

ECONOMY People who lived in the towns and cities were mostly merchants and craftsmen More people involved in trade and craftsmanship than other civilizations They traded as far away as ancient Sumer where they imported textiles and food in exchange for copper, lumber, precious stones, cotton, and luxury goods People who lived in areas outside the cities were farmers and herders The Harappans invented the first system of weights and measures for trade seems like Little division of social classes Women had no legal rights and were considered the property of their husbands As the Arayan influence spread, a caste system developed

RELIGION A lot is still unknown about religion Polytheistic Originally, probably Religion was closely tied to animals (an animistic religion) Rulers probably ruled by divine right Individuals often prayed for good harvests, and moderate monsoons Eventually developed the Hindu religion when the Arayans brought their ideas

Yellow River Valley Civilizations GEOGRAPHY Located in the Huang He River Valley Also called the Yellow River (silt yellowish color) Also called China’s Sorrow (unpredictable devastating floods) Isolated to rest of world by Yellow Sea, East China Sea, Pacific Ocean, and large mountains and deserts to the west Little influence from other civilizations and had to rely on their own resources

POLITICAL STRUCTURE Known for its Dynasties, or ruling families ruled over ancient China Shang Dynasty was first Chinese rulers to leave written records Built China’s first cities Shang Dynasty were constantly waging war Zhou Dynasty did not change culture of Shang Feudalism- Consist of Small kingdoms, less centralized than civilizations like Egypt Dynasty gave power to family and noble to govern different regions Would grant use of land in return for protection of king and people Regions became more powerful and began fighting, leading to end of Zhou Dynasty Emperors were military leaders who ruled with the help of powerful nobles Believed in Mandate of Heaven which meant ruler had divine approval, but if he was evil or foolish, he would lose the right to rule When an emperor lost “Mandate of Heaven” there was an uprising and often a new dynasty would take control

Dynastic Cycle

ECONOMY: Job Specialization & Social Classes Based on agriculture Used mostly barter system of trade Though skilled at many crafts, trade was discouraged outside the empire Social structure was strict and wealth was determined by how much land you had. Three social classes Emperor/Royal Family/Nobility/ Noble Warriors- owned land Merchants and craftspeople earned a living in the middle class. Most people were peasants and lived in small farming villages. Family was key social unit Women had no legal rights Arranged marriages Extended families lived together

RELIGION The Shang people prayed to many gods and nature spirits (polytheistic and animistic). The Chinese looked to their dead ancestors to communicate with the gods. It was thought that the ancestors would convince the gods to help the living by offering sacrifices of food and other objects. Chinese also believed that the universe was held in delicate balance between two forces, the yin and the yang. When these two forces were in balance, peace and prosperity would result.