Key Factors in Successfully Integrating ICT in Education Auken Tungatarova, Programme Assistant, EISD, ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok 5 December 2017, Yangon, Myanmar Key Factors in Successfully Integrating ICT in Education
1. Teachers at the heart of policies
Saya the tha akaryar (Teachers do matter)
Positive student learning outcomes Government of Myanmar has prioritized teacher education in its education reform efforts Quality of teachers Quality education Positive student learning outcomes
Policy context Professional knowledge Understanding Skills Thirty Year Long Term Basic Education Plan 2001-2031 A learning society capable of facing the challenges of the Knowledge Age Myanmar’s National Education Law … To produce teachers who value the languages, literature, culture, arts… and who have the ability to guide the development of all ethnic groups and the modern development of the nation… All teachers need to be qualified Teacher as an ‘educator who has qualifications for serving at a specified level of education’. The Framework for Economic and Social Reforms (FESR) (2012-2015) The 30-Year Long-Term Education Development Plan (2001-2031) The National League for Democracy’s 2015 Election Manifesto Professional knowledge Understanding Skills
National Education Strategic Plan 2016-2021 Improved teaching and learning, vocational education and training, research and innovation leading to measurable improvements in student achievement in all schools and educational institutions.
ICT Framework for Education Colleges in Myanmar Vision: Production of teachers who are equipped with the technological pedagogical content knowledge ro support the development of knowledge, skills and aptitudes of learners Gap between EC’s current situation and desired target capacity Need to transform pedagogy Kozma, R. (2011). Transforming Education: The Power of ICT Policies. UNESCO.
ICT should… ICT vision and policy ICT competency standards for teachers School infrastructure Digital learning materials Education System Serve as a component of the overall education goals and ICT in Education Master Plan Be aligned with other components of the Master Plan and education plan/vision
2. Why have national ICT competency standards for teachers?
Is this story familiar to you? One time course The same group of teachers taking similar courses repeatedly Only the number of hours matter No monitoring and evaluation Is this story familiar to you?
Is this story familiar to you? Your policy vision is here Basic Education Knowledge acquisition Knowledge deepening Knowledge creation Your Teacher Development Curriculum in Reality The history of computers Coding, hardware and software How to use productivity tools
3. Key factors in successfully integrating ICT in Education
Operationalization is more important Competency standards Qualification/Certification Training/Curriculum
Key factors Secured country commitment and ownership Following a systematic process Identification and involvement of multiple stakeholders along the process Interdepartmental coordination for pre- and in-service training and other divisions for teacher performance and evaluation A strong system of teacher preparation and professional development, drawn upon standards A performance evaluation system against the standards A clear recognition/qualification system that motivates teachers to constantly develop their competencies Secured country commitment and ownership
Stakeholder involvement Whom, why, and how?
Teachers, representatives of teacher professional associations, unions, and TEIs
Policy makers, universities and key education organizations, experts
Parents, school leaders, and community
Involvement of stakeholders During all stages of activities, from situational and need assessment, contextualization, curriculum mapping, module development, and evaluation In consultation process of draft standards development 👪👪 In the evaluation of the standards Involvement of stakeholders is needed to gain buy-in from key stakeholders in both pre- and in-service educational institutions
Components to achieve the desired goals of education Ministry Policies Teacher Education Institutions Preparation Schools Practices Adapted from Goh, C.B. (2014). Teacher Education Model for the 21st Century (TE21), presented at the UNESCO Central Asia Symposium on ICT in Education 2014, available at
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