Reception Curriculum Information Autumn Term Dear Parents, Our topic in the Reception classes until October half term is ‘Myself’. After the half term it is ‘Weather & Colour’ and ‘Space’. Within these topics we will cover the following areas as part of the Foundation Stage Curriculum: Communication Language and Literacy (CL/L) Writing their first name using the school handwriting script. Learning letters and sounds of the alphabet. Development of reading skills and an enjoyment of books through individual and whole class activities using ‘big books’ and through regular practice of high frequency words. Regular opportunities to practise emergent writing. Mathematical Development Reading, writing, ordering and counting numbers to 10. Recognition of two dimensional shapes. Sorting and matching Development of mathematical language e.g. more/less, bigger/smaller. Our school and routines. Find out about myself and my family. Use computer programmes. Explore sound and music Find out about different weather and seasons Family community celebrations e.g. birthdays, Harvest, Eid, Diwali, Christmas. Understanding of the World (UW) Art – All about me Drawing, collage, painting and printing using a variety of mediums. Diwali, Harvest, Christmas cards. Role Play – Home Corner, space station. Singing, music appreciation and experimenting with sound and instruments. Expressive Arts and Design Physical Development Team game activities, spacial awareness games, movement coordination Gaining confidence when using large and small apparatus Handling Tools. Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Activities to encourage independence, concentration, confidence and social skills such as sharing and turn taking. Dressing and undressing independently. There is a strong emphasis on practical activities to develop the children’s learning.