Student Name:Cristian Dufeal Date:11/24/09 Mr. Jiang, MECPS Happy Thanksgiving Student Name:Cristian Dufeal Date:11/24/09 Mr. Jiang, MECPS
What is the history of Thanksgiving? In 1621,the plymouth colonists and wampanoag indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.
When In 1621 it was basically a celebration of thanks for centuries before the arrival of europeans in North America.
How do we celebrate? The surviving pilgrims celebrated their successful harvest,as was the english custom.
Tradition Harvest festivals and celebrations of thanksgiving were all held by ancient greeks,Romans,Hebrews,Chinese and eygptians.
What do you like the most about Thanksgiving? What I like most about thansgiving is sitting down with family,relatives and enjoying the food that was made.Seeing smiles on everyones face.
My Wishes and Greeting on Thanksgiving