BACKGROUND Four Main Islands (Savaii, Upolu, Manono and Apolima)


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Presentation transcript:

BACKGROUND Four Main Islands (Savaii, Upolu, Manono and Apolima) Population of 190,000 smallholder subsistence farmers (limited resources and market opportunities to participate in the cash economy) Challenges: High rates of Unemployment 16% (emigration and remittances) Rural depopulation Annual Samoan quota giving preferential immigration access to Samoan citizens to migrate to NZ Urbanisation with rural families moving to Upolu and the greater Apia area for work opportunities Seasonal Work Scheme sees many physically able Samoans leave their homeland to work on farms in New Zealand and Australia while their own goes untended

PROFILE Non-governmental organisation (1991) dedicated to strengthening village economies in Samoa in ways that honour indigenous tradition, use traditional and modern technology, and promote fair trade empower and equip rural families to cultivate sustainable businesses that maximize farm-based resources facilitate trade with global and regional partners, including The Body Shop International, All Good Organics and C1Espresso, which understand the potential as well as the limitations of small-scale farming in Samoa work in 183 Samoan villages to nurture certified organic agricultural small businesses

VISION That vulnerable families in Samoa are able to contribute fully to their own development, the development of their community and country through income generation, job creation and participation in the village economy. MISSION To provide and empower these families with knowledge and skills, opportunities, access to finance and markets.

VALUES a Samoan model of development must take into account Samoan values, tradition and culture sustainable change occurs slowly and requires a long-term commitment that most vulnerable people need to develop sources of income to increase self reliance and independence development requires networking with communities, government and other organisations

ORGANIC FARM TO TABLE Program was designed by chef Robert Oliver in 2013 adapted from a system he developed in the Caribbean Proposed to get hotels and restaurants use ingredients available in Samoa and reduce importation of fresh goods Rewrite menus to incorporate Samoan cuisine (Meaai Samoa Cookbook) Train local chefs and provide support in using new menus Contract local farmers to supply Farm to Table Encourage the use of locally grown organic produce A guarantee system to ensure consistency of supply to the local markets

ORGANIC FARM TO TABLE Role of WIBDI Provide training and continue to nurture farmers Supply seeds and seedlings Finding and securing markets for farmer products Create value addition and branding farmer products Conduct a weekly evaluation based on the outcomes and objectives of the project – this is to ensure that the project continues to bring in positive results Provide organic certification through WIBDI ICS NASAA and POETCom.

ORGANIC FARM TO TABLE For the Farmers Learn about consistent quality Reliable delivery Cultivate new crops Manage finance 10% of farmers’ earnings is saved in their personal savings account Farmers receive Financial Literacy training provided by WIBDI that is tailored to meet the needs of our local communities

ORGANIC FARM TO HOME TABLE Weekly Organic Basket Service Every Monday household customers are emailed a list of seasonal produce that are available for their weekly orders Orders are then taken and received through a mail chimp by WIBDI on Wednesday before field staff source them on Thursday Customers then pick up orders from WIBDI office on Friday or deliver to their work places

ORGANIC FARM TO HOME TABLE Snake beans         Juvenile coconut (Niu)   Garlic Chives (bundle) Eggplant Mature coconut (Popo) Spring Onions (bundle) Cucumber Tahitian lime (bundle) Ginger (bundle) Taro Ripe banana – Misiluki (bundle) Basil (bundle) Taro leaves (bundle) Papaya – ripe Mint (bundle) Pumpkin Papaya – green Chilli leaves (bundle) Pumpkin tips (bundle) Vi (bundle) Chili  (bundle) Laupele/Aibika leaves (bundle) Guava Lemon grass (bundle) Ete/Ofega leaves (bundle) Oranges (4= bundle) Drum stick/Moringa leaves (bundle) Pennywort/Lau Togotogo (bundle) Passion fruit (6= bundle) Curry leaves (bundle)           Lemon (bundle) Rambutans (bundle) Avocado

ORGANIC FARM TO OVERSEAS TABLE Virgin Coconut Oil Dried Lady Finger Banana Coffee (Arabica / Liberica variety) Koko Samoa (Cacao) Fetau Oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum)

PROJECT IMPACT For the Farmers: Planting new crops Receive regular income Increased produce yields Increased income earned Increased savings Increase in nutritional awareness Re-introduction of traditional greens into their diet

LESSONS LEARNED Identifying roles of women in the value chain Require continuous funding to sustain the project Increase WIBDI staff capacity building by connecting with markets New product development Farmer training on seed saving, compost making and use of other methods Market expansion Farmer expansion Transportation and Logistics Monitoring and Evaluation Development of mobile apps with support from CTA