The Treaty of Versailles The END and the BIG FOUR
What are the effects of WAR?
ARMISTICE November 11, 1918. THE END. Agreed to stop fighting. LEGACY New technologies. War at a global scale. Death and destruction. 8.5 million soldiers died. 21 million wounded. Civilian death from starvation, disease, and slaughter. $338 Billion Destroyed acres of farmland, homes, and towns.
Paris Conference On January 18, 1919, a conference to establish terms of peace began in the Palace of Versailles. 32 countries were present. Lasted one year Major Decision makers: Woodrow Wilson (United States) Georges Clemenceau (France) David Lloyd George (Great Britain) Vittorio Orlando (Italy)
Wilson’s Fourteen Points These points outline a plan to achieving just and lasting peace: End Secret treaties Freedom of the seas Free trade Reduced national armies and navies Adjustment of colonial claims (fairness to people) Creating new nations and boarders Guiding principal was self-determination- to allow people to decided their government. 14th Point- General association of nations that would protect great and small states.
The Treaty of Versailles Germany and Allied Powers signed on June 28, 1919. Created a League of Nations, an international association who goal would be to keep peace among nations. Punished Germany- Lost territory and had severe restrictions place on its military. “War Clause”- placed all responsibility of the war on Germany. Had to pay reparations.
The Creation of New Nations Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire lost lands. Russia lost land. The US later rejected the treaty.