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Presentation transcript:

INTRODUCTION: SOCIETAL DEGENERATIONS vs SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Canada A non-Christian society is that which is not governed by the rule of God. Bible Club Series

Introduction Today, there are many challenges that confronts the Faith of Christian youths in our society. Practices that were once considered shameful are now being celebrated in the world. There is general loss or lowering of God’s moral standards. Immoral acts are being copied, practiced and approved by majority of today’s youths.

The perplexing situation In the society Degradation of moral standards from immorality to amorality (a state of total loss of morals). In the Church Lack of knowledge of God’s word and a gradual loss of conviction on what is right.

Why must we talk about this? The influence of the society is huge and cannot be over-emphasized on the growth and development of youths (1 Corinthians 15:33) The challenges of living in a non-Christian culture is becoming overwhelming for many Christian youths in the western world (2Timothy 3:1-3) If youths don’t learn what is right from God’s word, they will definitely learn the opposite from somewhere else (Proverbs 29:15)

Peculiar challenges confronting youths How to live out our faith in a non-Christian culture How to maintain sexual purity amidst temptations and seductions Identity and self-image issues Negative media influences Societal empowerment of children against parental authority Lack of discipline Materialism and desire to get rich without hardwork Body tattooing, alcoholism, drugs and smoking

The focus of today’s study What is the world doing to challenge our Faith? What does the Bible say about these challenges? What are we to do as Christian youths?

Some of the current societal trends The devil tries to pervert God’s word and redefine God’s work, thereby presenting God as imperfect and unjust before men. Gender: Humans are not only seen as male and female. Many now believed that what God said in the beginning is no more correct. Marriage: God instituted marriage between a man and a woman. Unfortunately today, the story has changed. Romans 1:28; 2 Timothy 4:3

Redefinition of Gender is ungodly Agender/Neutrois: These are people who don't identify with any gender at all. They tend to either feel they have no gender or a neutral gender. Some use surgery and/or hormones to make their bodies conform to this gender neutrality. Androgyne/Androgynous These are those who identify as a separate, third gender. Bigender Those who identify as male and female at different times.

Redefinition of Gender breeds confusion Two-spirit Those who claim to have "two spirits are now widely accepted in more than 150 Native American tribes. Transgender(FTM/MTF) Someone who is transitioning from one gender to another, either physically (trans-sexual) or in terms of gender identity through hormone therapy and/or gender re-assignment surgery.

Redefinition of Gender is unreasonable Gender Questioning: These are those who are still trying to figure out where they fit on the axes of sex and gender. Intersex: These are those who claim that they are not entirely male or not entirely female. Genderqueer: All non-conforming gender identities.

The world is redefining marriage to include relationship between: A father and a daughter A mother and son A man and a young boy A man and plural wives (polygamy) A woman with plural husbands (polyandry) Open marriage (No restrictions) Marrying one's self Marriage to dead relatives Temporary marriage Trial marriage Marriage to animals (Bestiality) Marriage to dollies Genesis 2:24 These are all practices condemned by God


What does the Bible say about homosexuality? God created human beings as either a male or a female. Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6; Galatians 3:28 It is an abomination and a detestable act Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 It is unrighteousness; an act that will not allow anyone to enter God’s kingdom 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 It is unnatural, indecent and degrading passion Romans 1:26-28 Since the Bible is our final authority, we must always refer to it. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Read: Romans 1:26-32; 1 Corinthians 6:19 DISCUSSION 1 Homosexuals claim that they are born the way they are, that it is a genetic orientation, and since they didn't choose it, it cannot be wrong. Let us reason together: If a person is born with the orientation to steal, does it mean that stealing is okay? If everyone must be approved based on what they feel about themselves, should stealing-oriented- people also demand national rights based on their orientation and its resultant effect on the society? Romans 1:26-32 Read: Romans 1:26-32; 1 Corinthians 6:19

Read: John 16:2 DISCUSSION 2 At work, many Bible believers are told to go through sensitivity training in favor of the LGBT community, even though such "sensitivity training" is highly offensive to the believer. If they don't go, they can be fired.  Let us reason together Why must sensitivity be shown towards the homosexuals, but never towards the Christians? In some countries, why is it that pastors/churches who refuse to perform weddings for homosexuals based on their convictions get sued? However, if a business refuse to do a job for a client or customer based on their policies, no lawsuit is filed against them? This is just to show that the system of this world is against God and Godliness (Psalm 2:1,2) Read: John 16:2

How can Christian youths exercise their faith in a secular society? Pray regularly and study the Bible to understand what God wants us to do at every given time (Matthew 4:4,7,10). Understand the nature of sin, avoid and never support it (Romans 1:32). Be bold and courageous in doing and standing for that which is right (Proverbs 1:10).