Release 2A Interim Solutions: 10.0 Employee Termination & Retirement 21 January 2010
Agenda Time Topics 0815 - 1215 Interim Solutions Employee Deployment Management 1415 – 1615 Employee Termination & Retirement
Interim Solutions for Today The following processes are executed as trained but with some consideration on where the data comes from. No GEMS Process GEMS Roles Involved Cross Ministry? (Y/N) 1 Early Retirement HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD) HR Approval Authority Yes 2 Mandatory Retirement 3 Resignation 4 Shortening of Contract 5 End of Contract 6 Death 7 Dismissal 8 Daily Paid (Recurrent Budget) 9 GEMS & SIMPA Freeze
Processes Not Requiring Interim Solutions The following processes can be executed as trained. No interim steps are required. No GEMS Process GEMS Roles Involved Cross Ministry? (Y/N) 1 Early Retirement Line Manager 2 Mandatory Retirement 3 Resignation 4 Shortening of Contract 5 End of Contract 6 Death 7 Dismissal Line Manager (manual) 8 Daily Paid (Recurrent Budget)
Understanding the Changes What temporarily changes from what you learned in training? No Item Changes? 1 The type of data that GEMS users can see Due to the staggered roll-out, only employee data from the rolled out departments can be viewed or updated in GEMS, OR records for employees who were previously in a rolled out dept. 2 Users who have access to Self Service Due to the staggered roll-out, only employees from the rolled out departments have access to Self Service. Employees in non-rolled out departments do not have access in Self Service as their own or their LM’s data has not been migrated into the system. 3 Availability of TAFIS/Payroll interface The GEMS-TAFIS/Payroll interface is still in development and will not be available yet as of R2A Go-Live. Processes involving TAFIS/Payroll will need to be managed manually or using the As-Is process.
Understanding Termination Type of Termination Requested by Submitted in GEMS by Approved by Early Retirement Employee Line Manager HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) HRAA (JPM) Mandatory Retirement x Resignation Shortening of Contract End of Contract Death Dismissal HR Specialist – Discipline (PSD) HRAA (PSC) Daily Paid (Recurrent Budget)
Topic 1: Early Retirement Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD), HR Approval Authority (JPM) Description Manages early retirement for employees. The request is submitted on behalf of the employee by the Line Manager. Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Receives request for early termination from Line Manager in GEMS Reviews information in GEMS and approves / denies request in GEMS Notify employee and Line Manager if approved via GEMS Generate letter to send to Treasury to: Indicate change in employee status and to terminate salary and allowances (As-Is) Calculate Pension/Benefits (As-Is) Process early retirement request as per As-Is process Upon approval, update SIMPA with latest employee status as per As-Is Notify employee and departments using As-Is process Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only HR Approval Authority (JPM) Pension Committee receives request for early termination from HRS – T&R (PSD) Approves or rejects request in GEMS Pension Committee receives request for early termination from PSD using As-Is process Approves or rejects request using As-Is process
Topic 3 & 4: Resignation, Shortening of Contract Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Description Manages resignation and shortening of contract for employees. The request is submitted on behalf of the employee by the Line Manager. Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Receives request from Line Manager in GEMS Reviews information in GEMS and approves / denies request in GEMS Notify employee and Line Manager if approved via GEMS Generate letter to send to Treasury to: Indicate change in employee status and to terminate salary and allowances (As-Is) Calculate Gratuity for Resignation only (As-Is) Process request as per As-Is process Upon approval, update SIMPA with latest employee status as per As-Is Notify employee and departments using As-Is process Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only
Topic 2 & 5: End of Contract, Mandatory Retirement Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Description Manages end of contract and mandatory retirement for employees. The request is submitted by the Line Manager. Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Receives request from Line Manager in GEMS Reviews information in GEMS and approves / denies request in GEMS Notify employee and Line Manager if approved via GEMS Generate letter to send to Treasury to: Indicate change in employee status and to terminate salary and allowances (As-Is) Calculate Gratuity for Resignation only (As-Is) Process request as per As-Is process Upon approval, update SIMPA with latest employee status as per As-Is Notify employee and departments using As-Is process Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only
Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept Topic 6: Death Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Description Manages the update of data upon the death of an employee. This request is triggered by the Line Manager. Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Receives request from Line Manager in GEMS for data update Reviews information in GEMS and confirms documentation Accepts the update from Line Manager in GEMS Notifications sent to departments automatically upon LM request for update Generate letter to send to Treasury to: Indicate change in employee status and to terminate salary and allowances (As- Is) Calculate Pension/Benefits (As-Is) Process updated as per As-Is process Upon confirmation of documentation, update SIMPA with latest employee status as per As-Is Notify departments using As-Is process Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only
Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept Topic 7: Dismissal Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD), HR Approval Authority Description Manages dismissal of employees who have been found guilty in a disciplinary case Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRAA (PSC) Decides on dismissal for discipline case (external to GEMS) HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Manually receives notification from PSC regarding dismissal Updates employee records and terminates employee in GEMS Decides on dismissal for discipline case Updates employee records and terminates employee in SIMPA Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only
Topic 8: Daily Paid (Recurrent Budget) Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD), HR Approval Authority Description Manages termination of daily paid staff under Recurrent Budgets. This request is submitted by the Line Manager. Interim Steps Employee from Rolled Out Dept Employee from Non-Rolled Out Dept HRS – Termination & Retirement (PSD) Receives request from Line Manager in GEMS Reviews information in GEMS and approves / denies request in GEMS Notify Line Manager of outcome via GEMS Generate letter to send to Treasury to: Indicate change in employee status and to terminate salary and allowances (As-Is) Calculate Pension/Gratuity (As-Is) Process request as per As-Is process Upon approval, update SIMPA with latest employee status as per As-Is Notify departments using As-Is process Check for GEMS flag in SIMPA If Y = update termination in GEMS and SIMPA If no flag = update in SIMPA only
Topic 9: GEMS & SIMPA Freeze Roles Impacted HR Specialist – Termination & Retirement (PSD), HR Approval Authority Description Manage data during GEMS Freeze: Extract will be taken from SIMPA on 14-Jan. Any updates to employee data in SIMPA or GEMS after 14-Jan will not be converted into GEMS and will not be available on 28-Jan. Interim Steps Rolled Out Dept Non-Rolled Out Dept Between 14-Jan and 27-Jan: No data updates in SIMPA or GEMS Any changes to employee’s status as a result of termination are tracked manually, e.g. using Excel. On 28-Jan and onwards: Changes to employee’s status are updated to employee’s record in GEMS Any open transactions (e.g. pending approvals on early retirement requests, resignations, etc.) are to be completed and closed in SIMPA, then updated into GEMS. Termination processes continue as per usual in SIMPA. Check for GEMS flag: If no flag = continue update data into employee’s record SIMPA If Y = manually maintain data (e.g. in Excel) If any data changes involve employees with flag = Y, update to GEMS based on manual tracking Termination for other employees in non-rolled out depts utilizes interim steps as specified in this document