LWM2M Interworking with <mgmtObj> Resources Group Name: ARC Source: Dale Seed (dale.seed@interdigital.com ) Meeting Date: 2016-01-18 Related Work Item(s): WI-0024 – LWM2M Interworking
Background – LWM2M Interworking <container> Current oneM2M LWM2M interworking approach relies on <container> resources LWM2M IPE performs translation from LWM2M to oneM2M protocols IPE has an Mca interface to communicate to CSE LWM2M Objects de/encapsulated within <container> and <contentInstance> resources oneM2M AE de/encapsulates and translates LWM2M Object from <container> and <contentInstance> resource Requires understanding of LWM2M Objects
LWM2M Interworking <mgmtObj> What if the LWM2M Objects are translated to oneM2M <mgmtObj> IPE still translates from LWM2M to oneM2M protocols IPE registers each LWM2M Client to the CSE and creates the corresponding <node> and <mgmtObj> resources LWM2M Objects are represented as oneM2M <mgmtObj> resources Provides more granular control of LWM2M Clients Can use other CSE services (subscriptions, groups, partial operations, etc.) AE does not need to understand LWM2M Objects – just oneM2M resources Only need to understand oneM2M resources
Benefits of using <mgmtObj> Benefits of using oneM2M <mgmtObj> for LWM2M Objects Management AE needs to understand only oneM2M and not both oneM2M/LWM2M protocols Subscription/notification can be performed at the attribute level Updates and retrieves can be performed at the attribute level Access control can be performed at the attribute level Each LWM2M Client is represented as oneM2M AE Discovery of LWM2M Clients is the same as discovery of oneM2M resources No resourceName convention needed – just oneM2M names and IDs <node> resource provides clear mapping to device
<mgmtObj> are extensible <mgmtObj>’s [objectAttribute] attribute allows for creating custom <mgmtObj> <flexContainer>’s [customAttribute] follows the same concept to create custom containers
Firmware Update Example Only need to understand oneM2M protocol LWM2M Resource level operation oneM2M Attribute level operation LWM2M Protocol oneM2M Protocol oneM2M Protocol
Firmware Update Example IPE integrated into CSE Only need to understand oneM2M protocol Subscription create causes LWM2M Observe operation Subscription create causes LWM2M Observe operation LWM2M Resource level operation oneM2M Attribute level operation LWM2M Protocol oneM2M Protocol