Ad Hoc Advisory Group presentation, August 3, 2016 City of San Marino’s Huntington Drive Safe Streets Corridor Plan Ad Hoc Advisory Group presentation, August 3, 2016
KOA Team Experience KOA – Actual implementation of complete streets and active transportation corridors. Safe Moves – The leading authority in traffic safety education in the country.
Understanding – Project Scope Two parts: Safe Routes to School project for all schools along Huntington Drive Conceptual improvement project for the Huntington Drive Corridor
Understanding – What’s Been Done? Safe Routes to School Projects: Infrastructure (crosswalks) Non-Infrastructure (parent information and walking contests)
Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua Five schools on Huntington Drive Sts. Felicitas & Perpetua San Marino High Carver Elementary Valentine Elementary Huntington Middle
School Education and Awareness Workshops Achieving behavior change with well-executed education and awareness workshops for all stakeholders.
Walkability and Bikeability School Audits Accomplishing effective walk audits that target the diverse communities in San Marino.
Corridor Plan Objectives Provide overall safety and educational awareness along Huntington Drive for all modes of transportation, including: Children walking and biking to schools, and Business owners and patrons traveling into the downtown San Marino Business Corridors
Business Districts in San Marino Commercial zones in the city
Community Meetings, Charettes, and Tours Comprehensive data collection and evaluation of surveys, surveillances, stakeholder input.
Very long crosswalk, 180 feet, requires 50 seconds across 3 roadways. Huntington Drive at Winston Ave./Del Mar Ave. Very long crosswalk, 180 feet, requires 50 seconds across 3 roadways. Long crosswalks
Huntington Drive at Winston Ave./Del Mar Ave. North-south left turn paths interlock. Interlocking left turn paths
Huntington Drive at Winston Ave./Del Mar Ave. Tight sidewalk space on the corners Relatively narrow sidewalks
Huntington Drive at Winston Ave./Del Mar Ave. Poor visibility for drivers backing out of angle parking. Difficult exits from angle parking stalls
Huntington Drive at Winston Ave./Del Mar Ave. Median turf landscaping requires intense irrigation Water–thirsty median
EXISTING CONDITIONS Issues: Very long crosswalk that requires 50 seconds crossing time. Tight sidewalks. Difficult to back out of angle parking stalls. No room for bike lanes.
Existing Condition
Schedule Month Corridor Plan Education & Awareness Workshops August 2016 Advisory Group Meeting #1 Sept-Oct 2016 Community Meeting School workshops November 2016 Advisory Group Meeting #2 January 2017 Feb 2017 Advisory Group Meeting #3 March 2017 Draft Plan June 2017 Community Feedback July 2017 Final Plan September 2017 City Council presentation