Syringe for Injectable Fillers Advisor: Dr. Paul Thompson Client: Dr. Justin Piasecki Therese Rollmann ~ Team Leader Joseph Cabelka ~ Communicator Jennifer Wager ~ BWIG Mark Yarmkovich ~ BSAC
Problem Statement Our goal is to develop a simple syringe device that has a ratchet or incremental mechanism for which a depressed plunger or button will administer a known volume (i.e., 0.1 mL) of an injectable filler such as autologous fat or Sculptra®.
Design Constraints Delivers known increment (50-100 µL) Withstands high temp (121°C) or disposable Volume 1cc or 5 cc syringes Sufficient force to dispel filler Minimize unfamiliar motion
Procedure Motivation Lipoatrophy restoration and lip augmentations Simple procedure ~15 minutes Quick recovery Very few risks involved low risk of allergic reaction, minimal risk of infection Less permanent than plastic surgery (face lift)
Background-Procedure Transfer to a 1 or 5cc syringe Insert needle to dermis or subcutaneous fat layer Inject filler as needle is pulled out Repeat procedure until visual results
Injectable Fillers-Fat Harvested from abdomen 40-50% rate of cell survival expected Cell size = 25-200 µm Viscosity = 3 Pa·s
Injectable Fillers- Sculptra® Composed of synthetic poly-L-lactic acid Stimulates body to produce its own collagen Results last 2 years Side effects: small bumps under skin, other injection-related effects Biocompatible and biodegradable
Suggested Materials Stainless Steel Grade 420 Plastic: Fluoropolymers Temper pt./ Melting pt. 205-650 ºC 260-327ºC Density 7.75 g/cm3 1.5 g/cm3 Cost (per in3) $4.88 $2.41 Elastic Modulus 200 GPa 0.393 GPa
Force Tested expired collagen Minimum force: 4.19N
Current Device - Dispos-A-Ject™ Advantages Dispenses uniform increments Made from surgical stainless steel that is autoclavable. Disadvantages Does not fit 3 or 5cc syringes Bulky Expensive at $375 Many parts
Current Device-Step Meister 1.0 Advantages: Known increment volume Effective in dispensing filler Size and weight Disadvantages: Manual rotation Ergonomics
Design I: Step-Meister 2.0 Similar to Step-Meister 1.0 Use of a torsion spring for rotation Smaller increment sizes (0.1ml0.07ml)
Step-Meister 2.0 Advantages: Eliminates manual rotation Smaller increment sizes Familiar with design Disadvantages: Manufacturing Torsion spring may cause unwanted movement
Design II Button devices advances plunger Bar locks into increment until button is pushed
Design II Advantages: Familiar motion Few parts Accurate and varied increments Disadvantages: Requires practice Large force may hinder function
Design III Squeeze tabs to unlock plunger Push to expel filler
Design III Advantages: Simple mechanism Multiple increments can be expelled Disadvantages: Unfamiliar motion Small parts Manufacturing
Design Matrix 8 6 3 5 4 2 7 20 21 17 Step-Meister 2.0 Design II Design III Many, small parts (10) 8 6 3 Back pressure (5) 5 4 Varied increments (5) 2 Manipulation (10) 7 Total (30) 20 21 17
Future Work Finalize design Research manufacturing possibilities Test force for autologous fat and Sculptra® Construction of prototype Test increment accuracy
References A.D.A.M. Weight Control and Obesity. 11 Oct 2005. Byron Medical. 16 September 2005. Campbell, N and J Reece. Biology. San Francisco: Pearson, 2005. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science. 17 September 2005 Dr. Joseph Niamtu. 22 September 2005. Phone Interview Dr. Justin Piasecki. 28 September 2005. Interview Dr. Steve Byrd. 17 September 2005. MSNBC: Fill ‘er up Roundup of Wrinkle Plumpers. 11 Oct 2005. Resitape. 15 February 2006. Sculptra. 16 February 2006. The TexLoc Closet. 15 Febuary 2006.