Short update on the latest gLite status EGEE SA2/EuChinaGRID/ETICS FtF meeting Roma, 19-20 Feb,2007 Mario Reale –
Outline Content facts & numbers gLite middleware status OpSys, gL Version, updates bugs and issues LCG PPS ( gLite) next developments EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
gLite deployment modules gLite release 3.0 currently provides 21 modules: VOMS oracle, mysql VO management server UI Combined gLite and LCG User Interface WMS Workload Management System server LCG-LB LCG Resource Broker LB Logging and Bookkeeping server glite-CE, LCG-CE gL and LCG Computing Elements WN Combined gLite and LCG standard Worker Node (WN) PX gLite proxy server MON (RGMA) RGMA monitoring collector server MON-e2eMonit RGMA and network e2e monitoring BD-II Berkeley Database Information Index LFC LCG File Catalog FTA File Transfer Agent ( oracle, mysql) FTS File Transfer Server SE classic / dCache SRM SE / dCache gdbm SRM SE DPM SRM SE (disk, mysql, oracle) VOBOX Virtual Organization box EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
gLite users Through the gLite middleware a user can : Register to a Virtual Organization be authenticated, be authorized, get credentials for jobs and data transfers Submit and Manage GRID jobs Use JDL files via CLI or portals/GUIs, submit jobs or job collections, submit DAGs, submit parametric jobs, get job related information, cancel single jobs or sets/collections, retrieve the output Require specific resources or input files for the jobs he/she’s sending Automatically renew his/her proxy if required for long lasting jobs Transfer files from different locations from a WN to a Storage Element From different Storage Elements based on different architectures Register the produced or replicated files in a Catalog for his/her VO Directly or indirectly query this file catalog Query the GRID information system and get a snapshot of the available resources EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
gLite middleware status Operating System User Interface and Worker Nodes ported to Scientific Linux CERN 4 All other modules/services still running under SLC 3 gLite Version The current (Feb 5 , 2007) version is 3.0.2 Update 13 moved away from a “Big Bang” release updates for each component released individually Outstanding bugs & issues Currently 23 outstanding bugs and issues monitored EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
LCG Pre Production Service Latest gLite is deployed one the LCG Pre-Production Service 22 active sites monitored trough SAM CiC (Communication Interfaces for Central operations) –on-Duty send reports on PPS status to the ROC Global User Support through the GGUS portal EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
LCG Pre-Production Service
gLite developments Porting to Scientific Linux CERN 4.0 in progress WNs already moved to SLC 4.0 All other gLite services still built for SLC 3 SLC 4 release will be called gLite 3.1 Porting the gLite middleware (JRA1) to IPv6: Developers aware of this need Formal commitment to the issue No concrete timescale defined Other matters ( porting to ia64 and SLC4) came first EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
further gLite developments Complete the migration to VDT 1.3.x Complete the migration to fully supported 64-bit architecture Improve manageability (start/stop/... and standard log files) Reduce dependencies on external components to make gLite more “Lite” Hooks for local/global monitoring (new Monitoring working group) Continue work on making all services VOMS-aware Including activities in the Job Priorities WG Decouple bulk submission from DAGMan Support the deployment of Job Provenance to optimize the use of L&B Support for all LRMSs present on PS in BLAH/gLiteCE Complete support to SRM v2.2 Complete the new Encrypted Data Storage based on GFAL/LFC Complete and test glexec on WNs Increase the use of Service Discovery in all services Collaboration with EUChinaGrid on IPv6 compliance EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
glexec glexec is a thin layer to change unix credentials much simpler than the gatekeeper doesn’t require to run as root all the time based on GRID identity and attribute information takes in input a certificate chain with VOMS extensions user program name and arguments to run checks authorization aquires local credentials enforces the local credentials on the process glexec deployment on WNs is related to the VO handling of pilot jobs pilot jobs are small scripts downloading real jobs EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma
Summary gLite is about to be ported to SLC 4 and 64-bit will continue to be deployed on the LCG PPS for the experiments and applications to experience its latest version useful to keep an eye to understand immediatley latest gLite issues There’s no well defined timeline for the porting to IPv6 just a formal declaration of interest from JRA-1 still interesting developments are coming in all its components gLite is still a moving target EGEE SA2/EUChinaGRID WP2/ETICS FtF Meeting – Feb 19-20, 2007 , Roma