ORGANIZATION “an institution or functional group “ “People working together and coordinating their actions to achieve specific goals”
ORGANIZING “the process of making organization’s structure fit with its objectives, its resources and its environment "
THE ORGANIZING PROCESS Detailing of Work Division of work Aggregation of work (Departementalization) Coordination of work Monitoring and Reorganizing
ORANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE is the arrangement an interelationship of the component parts and positions of company
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ELEMENTS Specialization of work Standardization Coordination Centralized or decentralized decision-making The size of the work unit
Organizational Chart Shows the arrangement of the functions , departments or positions the organization and shows how the relationship between them
The form of orgnizational chart Pyramid shape Vertical shape Horizontal shape Circle shape
Pyramid shape
Vertical shape
Horizontal shape
Circle shape
DEPARTEMENTALIZATION The process of determining the way how activities are grouped
FORMS OF DEPARTEMENTALIZATION Based on Functions Based on Products or Services Based on the Region Based Subscription Based on the process or equipment Based on Time Based on Service Based on the Numerical Based on the Project and Matrix
INFORMAL ORGANIZATION Formed to meet the human needs that can not be fully satisfied by a formal organization .