On-campus job opportunities Who is eligible? How can we apply for it?
On-campus employment You will be allowed to work less than 20/wk You have to stay in good academic standing You are required to communicate and interact with your coworkers You will Have fun and enjoy an American-style working environment!
How can we apply for on-campus jobs? 1)Prepare cover letter and resume. You will most likely to be required to submit ones. Visit Student Life Office in MB for help with formating you cover letter and resume.
2)Search “Employment OCCC” and go to the employment page of OCCC Or find “Employment at OCCC” on the bottom of OCCC homepage
3)Find a student position you wish to work for and apply on the website. You will need to provide a lot of personal information. Be ready! 4)If you are hired, You will receive an acceptance letter. It take a couple weeks. Be patient!
5)Fill out Employment Approval Form on OCCC website. You will get an approval from the ISS office. Submit a hiring letter from OCCC HR or your supervisor 6)After back ground check, Bring 2 letters to Moore Social Security Office for SSN Be ready to wait for a couple of years to be called!
Feel free to email us or visit us international@occc.edu Questions? Feel free to email us or visit us international@occc.edu