Liver cell ultrastructure of girl M. S Liver cell ultrastructure of girl M.S., 4 months of age, acutely ill from hereditary fructose intolerance; the liver biopsy was taken 3½ weeks after fructose withdrawal. Hepatocytes show foci of cytoplasmic degradation (arrows) and lipid inclusions (L). Degradation foci are partly membrane bound and contain electron-dense granular masses, as well as numerous membranous arrays with a 4 to 4.5-nm periodicity (insert). Membranous bodies are often surrounded by an electron-lucent halo (asterisk). The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is proliferated and vesiculated (arrowhead). Bars = 1 μm. (Courtesy of Dr. Max A. Spycher, Zurich.) Source: Disorders of Fructose Metabolism, The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease Citation: Valle D, Beaudet AL, Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, Antonarakis SE, Ballabio A, Gibson K, Mitchell G. The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease; 2014 Available at: Accessed: December 18, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved