Drugs I Corinthians 6:19
Substance Abuse The unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances This does not always mean illegal drugs, it could be intentional use of a prescription drug or an over the counter drug
Health Risks of Drug Use Physical Health Once a drug enters the bloodstream, it can harm a user’s brain, heart, lungs, and other organs An overdose is strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug A drug user can also expose themselves to disease associated with delivery of the drug Needle users face hepatitis B and HIV
Health Risks of Drug Use Mental Health Drug cloud reasoning and thinking, and loss of control over behavior Drugs greatly effect the brain Drug users are seeking the “high” associated with the effects the drug has on the brain Problem: the “high” often causes unneeded damage to the brain
Health Risks of Drug Use Social Effects Can have a negative effect on your relationships with your friends and family Drug Use is a major factor in crime, suicides, and unintentional injuries
Addiction The Addiction Cycle Tolerance: the body needs more and more of the drug to get the same effect Psychological dependence: person believes that a drug is needed in order for them to function Physiological dependence: user’s body develops a chemical need for the drug User goes through with drawl: nervousness, insomnia, nausea, headaches Addiction – psychological or physiological dependence on drugs
Types of Drugs Marijuana – an illegal drug that is smoked for its intoxicating effects Marijuana raises the levels of dopamine (the chemical that produces pleasure in the brain) Marijuana also interferes with the immune system Many of the same negative effects of smoking
Types of Drugs Inhalants- substance whose fumes are sniffed to achieve a mind-altering effect Most inhalants go directly to the brain killing brain cells that will never be replaced Inhalants include solvents, aerosols, glue, spray paint, gasoline
Types of Drugs Stimulants Depressants Drugs that speed up the central nervous system Caffeine and Nicotine are stimulants Cocaine and Crack are very powerful stimulants Depressants Drugs that slow down the central nervous system Barbiturates and Tranquilizers slow function, often used to balance out stimulant use
Types of Drugs Narcotics Drugs derived from the opium plant that are used to relieve pain Morphine, OxyContin and codeine are prescription narcotics Heroin is an illegal narcotic that slows breathing and pulse rate
Types of Drugs Hallucinogens Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and perceptions The brain is confused creating an altered mental state PCP- lack of pain, increased strength, loss of sense of time LSD – distortion of sound and color, emotions