Welcome to St. Stephen’s Infant School Open Day 2015-16 ‘Inspiring excellence - achieving together’
Why choose St. Stephen's Infant School for your child? ‘Inspiring excellence - achieving together’
St Stephen's Infant School offers: High quality provision- specifically for Infant children
St Stephen's Infant School offers: Emphasis on ‘children leading their own learning’ in all year groups
We listen to the children and their views help shape the school.
Riley’s idea to have a school flag.
The children wanted a new School Pet.
Class Council & School Council thought about suitable pets and how we would look after them.
The children voted to have pet guinea pigs.
St Stephen's Infant School offers: Committed, skilled and enthusiastic staff
Meeting children’s needs: Parent Link Officer – Mrs. Karen Stokes Learning Mentor – Mrs. Holt Reading Assistants- Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Walker and Ms Wilkins
St Stephen's Infant School offers: High expectations for children’s social and academic progress
Choices Ladder helps children to make the ‘right choices’
Future skills characters I keep on going with my learning and don’t give up till I get there. I can make links in my learning. I can plan ahead. I plan my learning. I can change and adapt my learning. I can set myself a challenge. I will try new things. I will have a go even when it gets hard. I am creative and think of new ways to do things. I will help you understand how well you are doing and how you can take your next hop. I am a curious cat and I like to ask questions. I know when to work with others or its best to learn on my own.
Star Learner of the Week.
St Stephen's Infant School offers: Excellent outdoor space-staff maximise opportunities for outdoor learning.
School Allotment
Playpod & OPAL
St. Stephen’s Got Talent 2015
St Stephen's Infant School offers: Breakfast and After-School Clubs Extra-curricular clubs during Terms 2, 4 and 6
St Stephen's Infant School offers: Guaranteed places in our partner Junior School
No such thing as a free lunch? Yes there is!
Our School Vision…. ‘Inspiring excellence – achieving together’
St. Stephen’s Infant School Vision
Recent Achievements
Judged to be a ‘Good’ school Ofsted March 2009 & December 2011 Recent Achievements Judged to be a ‘Good’ school Ofsted March 2009 & December 2011
Recent Achievements ‘St Stephen’s Infant School is a good school. The school’s values, ‘Happy, Healthy and Eager to Learn’, are at the heart of its work. The Headteacher and his staff have created a learning environment in which pupils are happy and confident to succeed. The school has made tremendous strides since its previous inspection.’
Recent Achievements ‘Pupils are encouraged to think for themselves through the imaginatively planned curriculum.’ ‘The school’s work with its parents and carers is outstanding, particularly those families who are reluctant to get involved.’
Recent Achievements ‘Pupils are kind and friendly. Behaviour is good, and pupils are thoughtful and cooperative.’
Assembly Themes. Why do you think we have rules?
We have rules to help ensure: Fairness Safety
St. Stephen’s Infant School Golden Rules We keep everyone safe We are kind and helpful We listen to each other We share We tell the truth We always try our best We look after property
join in the fun during Golden Time. Keep up the good work! Golden Ticket St Stephen’s Infant School Congratulations! You’ve followed our “Golden Rules” and have been awarded this Golden Ticket to come along and join in the fun during Golden Time. Keep up the good work! Name................................................................ Class.................................................................
Golden Ticket Time
Strong Community Links
Strong Community Links
Parent/Carer Views 2015 Questionnaire 2015
Tour- Year 2 Guides
Please visit our website: www.ststephensinf.org.uk
Induction arrangements 2016 New Parents’ meeting June 2016 Children visiting Reception Classes in July 2016 Home Visits first 2 weeks of Term 1 2016 Current induction period for Reception children: 3 weeks either am or pm sessions (half the class) 1 week all morning & lunch full – time
Do you have any questions? ???????????????????? Do you have any questions?
Application form can be downloaded from Applications need to be received by January 15th 2016 [Bristol and S.Glos. ] Application form can be downloaded from www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions [Details on your handout]