Pre-Civil War Unit 1
Westward Expansion 1800 - 1850 Unit 1
Manifest Destiny The belief that the United States has a divine right to expand its territory. *John L. O’Sullivan coined the phrase
Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the United States (1800 – 1808) Political philosopher, horticulturist, architect, inventor and much more Louisiana Purchase (1803) Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) Wife Martha Children 6 (5 girls and 1 son), none of his children live to adulthood and his wife dies in childbirth after 10 years of marriage. Never marries again. Affair with slave Sally Hemings
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase 1803 James Monroe and Robert Livingston buy the land for about 15 million dollars. *The purchase doubles the size of our country at that time.
Lewis and Clark Expedition Meriwether Lewis 1774-1809 William Clark 1770-1838 40 people went on trip
As the men make their way to the Pacific, Jefferson wants the men to gather information on: Flow of rivers Natural resources and possible economic development Climate Plant growth Geology Contact with Indians Animals
Sacajawea Husband – Touissant Charonneau Tribe – Shoshone Insists on bringing wife and child Tribe – Shoshone Name – Bird woman
Journal Entry Plants Animals People Weather Landscape Structures
President Monroe claimed that, The Monroe Doctrine President Monroe claimed that, “the American continents are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.”
Texas Independence March 2nd, 1836: Texas declares it’s independence from Mexico. March 6th, 1836: The Alamo Falls 1836 – 1845 Texas becomes a country (the Republic of Texas) December 29th, 1845 Texas becomes a state
Oregon Country In 1846 the U. S. makes an agreement with Great Britain to get the Oregon Country President Polk “54 40 or fight”
The Mexican War 1846 - 1847 War begins due to a disagreement of the Texas southern border which the U. S. said was the Rio Grande River. Major General Winfield Scott captures Mexico City ending the war. Under the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo which ends the war, the U. S. gets the Mexican Cession.
The Gold Rush In January of 1848, gold is found at Sutter’s Mill in California In 1849, people from all over the world “rush” to California
The Gadsden Purchase The U. S. paid Mexico 10 million dollars for a strip of land south of the Gila River in Arizona and New Mexico. This land provided a route for a southern transcontinental railroad.
Alaska “Seward’s Folly” 1867 From Russia for 7.2 million dollars Secretary of State – William Seward 1867 From Russia for 7.2 million dollars 586,000 square miles 1.9 cents per acre
Father Kino In the 1700’s started missions in the Southwest
San Juan Capistrano
Industrial Revolution in America
First Steam Powered Boat 1787 John Fitch Delaware River
Textile Machinery Factory First in America - 1789 Providence, Rhode Island Samuel Slater
The Cotton Gin 1793 Eli Whitney Increases the speed cotton could be cleaned
Interchangeable Parts Eli Whitney Leads to products being mass produced
Telegraph Samuel F. B. Morse Coded pulses (short and long) of electricity First message sent 1844 “What hath God wrought?”
Transportation Improvements National Road is constructed Maryland to Illinois Erie Canal is built in 1825 Connects the Great Lakes to the Hudson River creating easier and cheaper travel Railroads Started building in the East to travel West