Healing Through The Power Of The Mind CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Healing Through The Power Of The Mind
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. II Peter 3:5
What Is Christian Science? Christian Science is a very curious movement that began in the late 1800’s. The biggest appeal of this cult is their strong emphasis on healing.
What Is Christian Science? Christian Science is a very curious movement that began in the late 1800’s. The biggest appeal of this cult is their strong emphasis on healing.
What Is Christian Science? In fact, their emphasis on healing is probably greater than that of any other movement. But just like Grape-Nuts®, Christian Science is neither.
What Is Christian Science? Christian Science grew out of a 19th century meta- physical healing movement. It is a “mind-science” religion and goes so far as to say the material world does not even exist.
What Is Christian Science? By denying God’s creative act, they fit the description of the last-days scoffers described in 1 Peter 3:3-7, to say nothing of the doctrinal deficiencies shared with all cults.
Where Did They Come From? Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) was the founder of this movement. It was her second husband, Daniel Patterson, who introduced her to the principles of Christian Science.
Where Did They Come From? After a serious fall allegedly brought her near death, her claim was to have read the Bible for three days and to have risen on the third day completely healed.
Where Did They Come From? This claim was later exposed as a lie by her physician, Dr. Alvin M. Cushing. Later, her second marriage failed and she divorced her husband age 56. She then married Asa Eddy.
Where Did They Come From? When he died, five years later, Marry Baker Eddy broke a cardinal Christian Science rule and demanded an autopsy. She later accused her students of “mentally poisoning” him.
Where Did They Come From? Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science in Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1879. The name, “The First Church of Christian Scientists,” was officially adopted in 1892.
Where Did They Come From? Like all cults, there is a text other than the Bible from which they take their teachings. For Christian Science, it is Eddy’s largely plagiarized book, “Science and Health with Key to Scriptures.”
Areas Of Severe Christian Science Error 1. The elevation given to Mary Baker Eddy as a revelator from God above Scripture.
Areas Of Severe Christian Science Error 2. Creation Science, similar to other mind sciences, rejects the idea of a creator God who is infinite, personal, good, and qualitatively distinct from His creation.
Areas Of Severe Christian Science Error 3. Creation Science states clearly that Jesus is not God. Additionally, they make a distinction between “Jesus” and “The Christ,” as if they were two separate entities, further confirming their cult status.
Areas Of Severe Christian Science Error 4. Creation Science denies evil, sin, sickness, and suffering. Because they are all in your mind, materia medica (material medicine) is unnecessary.
Areas Of Severe Christian Science Error 5. Creation Science denies the absolute need for salvation found only in Jesus Christ.
Other Teachings And Facts 1. Journalistic notoriety through The Christian Science Monitor and Christian Science reading rooms.
Other Teachings And Facts 2. Membership in Christian Science is restricted to those willing to sever their ties with all other churches and religious organizations.
Other Teachings And Facts 3. The core doctrine of C.S. is healing. Nothing else they promote draws more potential members. Mrs. Eddy was constantly challenged by the doctors of her day to produce evidence of one bona fide healing of a medically diagnosed case of organic disease. She did not and could not produce such evidence. In the end, she herself turned to physicians and the painkiller, Morphine.
Other Teachings And Facts 4. Thankfully, they have a regressive membership. In 1910 they had approximately 1 million members. Today that number is estimated at less than 200,000, due in part to child-neglect court cases.
The Bottom Line Like so many false religions of the past and of today, Christian Science substitutes what sounds good for what God has actually said in His Word.
The Bottom Line Their teaching that sin is just an idea and illness is an illusion may sound attractive, but they simply do not correspond with Scripture, or for that matter, the reality of this world.