#VBamazing #VBEndsAverage #EndofAverage @ltoddrose We encourage you to Tweet throughout the session: #VBamazing #VBEndsAverage #EndofAverage @ltoddrose
2017 Summer Administrators’ Conference July 24-25 Landstown High School Digging into The End of Average Imani Moorman @idoit4thekidz Angie Norell @teachnorell
This presentation supports building teacher/leader capacity in the following disposition area(s):
The average household income in Virginia Beach is $85,783 The average household income in Virginia Beach is $85,783. The average class size in the United States is 23.1 students. The “ideal” family size in the United States is 2.1 children. The average American adult reads 12 books a year. Children ages 5-6 spend an average of 6.5 hours a day in front of a screen. The average birth weight of babies is around 7.5 pound. Think about a time when you or someone you know has been compared to an average. Describe the situation and how it made you feel.
Author, Todd Rose, speaks on the Myth of Average
Guiding Question: Am I designing my school or classroom according to the Average or the Edges?
The Final Word Look at your handout. Move to the table with the corresponding color highlighted at the top. Identify a timekeeper/facilitator. Independently read the quotes. Then select one quote that “strikes you” the most. In 2 minutes or less, the facilitator shares their quote and why it struck them Continuing around the circle, the other members have up to 1 minute to respond to what the facilitator said. After going around the circle, the facilitator gets the “final word.” In less than 1 minute, respond to what has been said. What are you thinking now? Repeat steps 4-6 for the remaining members of your group.
Take a moment to tweet your final summary using As a group, develop a summary in 10 words or less of what you read and discussed. Take a moment to tweet your final summary using #VBEndsAverage and #VBAmazing. For early finishers, find a tweet to retweet or reply to.
Reflection How can I tailor my school building/classroom to the Edges in order to build capacity and foster individuality in students?
Conclusion How does what we’ve discussed today connect to each of our Core Values? Record your ideas on the posters displayed around the room.
We Put Students First: Student-Centered Decision Making - Choosing actions that, above all else, benefit and support student learning, growth and safety. We ask ourselves: How am I putting student interests and needs first when making decisions? We Seek Growth: Continuous Learning – Pursuing formal and informal learning opportunities to foster personal growth and improvement for all. We ask ourselves: In what ways am I making my learning a priority? We Are Open to Change: Innovation – Encouraging new ideas or improved ways of teaching, learning and working together to achieve our mission. We ask ourselves: How am I implementing new or improved ideas to benefit my work and the work of the school division? We Do Great Work Together: Collaboration – Working together and building partnerships that will benefit our students, division and community. We ask ourselves: How and where am I working with others to improve my work and the work of the school division? We Value Differences: Respect – Fostering a trusting, open, ethical, honest and inclusive environment where diversity of thought and individual contributions are prized. We ask ourselves: What am I doing to invite, recognize and esteem the perspectives of those around me?
Thank you for coming! Don’t forget to keep the conversation going on Twitter at: #VBEndsAverage #EndofAverage @teachnorell @idoit4thekidz