ESPA ASSETS PROJECT Land cover change September 2012 by Miro Honzak, Patricia Bejarano
Existing historical information about land cover change
Types of information
Deforestation 1990-2000
Deforestation 1990-2000
Deforestation 1990-2000
WaterWorld/SWAT Model WaterWorld incorporates detailed global spatial datasets at 1 km2 and 1 hectare resolution, spatial models of biophysical and hydrological processes, and scenarios for climate and land use change. The model, developed for policy analysts and scientists, allows users with little specialized training to assess the consequences of different policy and land use decisions (e.g. those related to land cover change). The effects of these decisions can be traced through the biophysical systems, allowing users to incorporate the results into decision-making processes and potentially avoid unintended impacts on local or downstream hydrological resources from, for example, policies that encourage deforestation, biofuel feedstock production, forest restoration, etc. (,
Link WaterWorld/SWAT to ARIES
The spatial context of ES in ARIES Legend Source Sink Use Flow Critical flow Unmet demand Satisfied demand Inaccessible source The provisionshed is constituted by all different ecosystem sources where the service is generated. The benefitshed identifies areas where potential recipients or users of benefit are. Precise pathways of flow from their point of origin to beneficiaries are identified. One of the key features of ARIES and what makes it different from other approaches is the flow analysis of ecosystem services. 9