European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018: Activities at European level State of play 25 October 2017 Culture
Latest developments since last meeting Communication Eurobarometer on Cultural Heritage Events European Heritage Days Labelling of Events Funding opportunities: Creative Europe call Mainstreaming Cultural Heritage within the Commission 10 European Initiatives
1) Communication
Communication EYCH communication campaign Visual identity, logo and slogan PPTs and flyers in all EU languages Campaign Website Newsletter Help desk function Creative Europe brochure and factsheets on successful Creative Europe Projects Culture
Logo and slogan Culture
Newsletter Bi-monthly, first edition December 2017 (six in total) Focus on four pillars: engagement, sustainability, protection and innovation Will highlight success stories, projects and funding opportunities Culture
Visibility for Creative- Europe funded projects Production of a brochure showcasing a selection of Creative - Europe funded projects focusing on cultural heritage Production of individual fact sheets and short videos
2) Eurobarometer Survey Provided by FR Détail du portail de l'église Saint-Trophime_PACA 2) Eurobarometer Survey
Eurobarometer on Cultural Heritage Key topics: Knowledge and perceived importance of cultural heritage Access, participation and barriers to access Digital engagement Values attached to Europe's cultural heritage Culture
Provided by SP Museo Nacional de Antropología (Madrid) 3) Events
Key events at European level European Culture Forum 7-8 December 2017, Milan Launch of the EYCH Launch cocktail of a special EYCH issue of Cartaditalia 6 December 2017, Milan College meeting and Launch of the Year by the Bulgarian Presidency 4 January 2018, Sofia Opening Ceremony of ECoC Valletta 2018 20 January 2018 Culture
Key events at European level Opening Ceremony of ECoC Leeuwarden 2018 27 January 2018 Joint RTD -EAC high level Conference on European Research for Cultural heritage 20 March 2018, Brussels Bulgarian Presidency conference on Cultural heritage End of March 2018, Bulgaria European Heritage Label Ceremony 2018 April 2018, Brussels Culture
Key events at European level European Summit of Cultural Heritage/European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018 Ceremony 20-24 June 2018, Berlin European Heritage Days 2018 August- September 2018, throughout Europe Congress on Cultural Heritage 18-19 October 2018, Vienna Closing conference by Austrian Presidency 11-12 December 2018, Vienna Culture
19 Member states Key events at national level Over 230 events A list of planned events in Member States 19 Member states Over 230 events (as of 4 September) Culture
Highlighted events in EYCH campaign website Up to 5 events per Member State will be flagged The selection will aim at showcasing inspiring events taking place across Europe Information will be provided by National Coordinators via EU Survey tool Culture
4) European Heritage Days Provided by NL - Schoolkinderen archeologie 4) European Heritage Days
European Heritage Days (EHDs) Meeting with EHDs NC on October 19 in Strasbourg Key conclusions: EHDs are a key tool to implement the EYCH, and the EYCH is a unique opportunity to boost the EHDs Synergies are to be forged between EYCH and EHDs NC The European dimension of the EHDs is to be enhanced Concrete actions, budgetary needs and priorities are being discussed Culture
5) Labelling of Events Photo: European Heritage Label
IMPORTANT: Labelling of events National coordinators will award the label to projects and initiatives taking place in Member States Commission and the members of the stakeholders' committee will award the label to cross-border projects and EU funded projects IMPORTANT: All projects and events have to respond to one of the objectives of the Year To Keep track of labelled initiatives Culture
6) Creative Europe Call
Creative Europe call dedicated to the EYCH 2018 Key features: €5 million in total 3 participant countries Up to € 200 000 per project, representing maximum 60% of the total eligible budget. NB- Cultural heritage remains eligible under the 2 categories of the other 2018 CE call (smaller and larger cooperation projects) Culture
Creative Europe call dedicated to the EYCH 2018 Themes: Reinforcing a sense of belonging to a common European space Promoting cultural heritage as a source of inspiration for contemporary artistic creation Improving the interaction between the cultural heritage sector and other cultural and creative sectors. © European Heritage Label
Creative Europe call timeline Launch of call 22 September 2017 Deadline for submissions 22 November 2017 Signing of contracts May/ June 2018 (TBC) Culture
7) Mainstreaming CH within the Commission Provided by Slovenia - RIBNICA 7) Mainstreaming CH within the Commission
Mainstreaming cultural heritage within the Commission Funding for cultural heritage will be available through different EU programmes: Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, COSME, Europe for Citizens, etc. Updated version of the Cultural Heritage mapping available online Inter-service Group with 11 DGs on October 17 "A remarkable publication" The Budapest Observatory Culture
8) 10 European Initiatives Provided by IE Donegal Castle Donegal Town 8) 10 European Initiatives
10 European Initiatives Each initiative will cluster a number of projects and actions They will be implemented by the European Commission in collaboration with key partners (Council of Europe, UNESCO, ICOMOS, etc.) These ten highly-visible initiatives will ensure the legacy of the Year after 2018 They answer four main objectives, defining what European cultural heritage stands for… Culture
European Initiatives Engagement Sustainability Protection Innovation Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for interventions on cultural heritage Heritage at risk: fighting against illicit trade in cultural goods and managing risks for cultural heritage Shared heritage: cultural heritage belongs to us all Heritage at school: children discovering Europe's most precious treasures and traditions Youth for heritage: young people bringing new life to heritage Heritage in transition: re-imagining industrial, religious, military sites and landscapes Tourism and heritage: responsible and sustainable tourism around cultural heritage Heritage-related skills: better education and training for traditional and new professions All for heritage: fostering social innovation and people's and communities participation Science for heritage: research, innovation, science and technology for the benefit of heritage Engagement Sustainability Protection Innovation
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