PRODUCT OVERVIEW NEMA-12 (IP54) and NEMA-1 (IP20)Models Both available through 30 HP NEMA-12 Only from 40HP though 100HP Above 100HP only electronics NEMA-12 (cable termination area not gasketed) Standard Overload 150% for 30 seconds Brake Module standard through 15HP Technical Manual, Section 2.1
MODES OF OPERATION Volts per Hertz Speed Range 0 to +/- 400Hz O/L Vector (Sensorless) Speed Range 0 to +/- 120 Hz C/L Vector (Encoder) Technical Manual, Section 2.1
DRIVE ARCHITECTURE Standard Features - ALL Frames Control Board Display/Keypad Fiberoptic Input/Output RS-232/RS-485 Digital Inputs Selectable (Sinking or Sourcing) Digital Outputs Dry Contacts Encoder Inputs Technical Manual, Section 3.1.1
FRAMES 1 & 2 1 through 15 HP Frame 1 - 1 to 7.5 HP No. FRAMES 1 & 2 1 through 15 HP Frame 1 - 1 to 7.5 HP Frame 2 - 10 to 15 HP Dimensions Height 17.0” Width 5.5” Depth 10.3” Dynamic Braking Transistor Internal Technical Manual, Figure3.1
FRAMES 1 & 2 POWER DESIGN Diode Bridge Front End Rectifier DC Bus Chokes Braking Transistor Included RFI Filtering Input and Outputs Technical Manual, Figure 3.5a
FRAME 3 20 and 30 HP Dimensions Height 17.0” Width 11.0” Depth 10.3” No. FRAME 3 20 and 30 HP Dimensions Height 17.0” Width 11.0” Depth 10.3” Technical Manual, Figure 3.1
FRAME 3 POWER DESIGN SCR Controlled Front End DC Bus Chokes Braking Unit External RFI Filtering Input and Outputs Technical Manual, Figure 3.5b
FRAME 4 40 through 100 HP Dimensions Height 38.2” Width 13.7” No. FRAME 4 40 through 100 HP Dimensions Height 38.2” Width 13.7” Depth 12.3” Technical Manual, Figure 3.2
FRAME 4 POWER DESIGN SCR Controlled Front End AC Supply Line Reactor Braking Unit External RFI Filtering Input and Outputs Technical Manual, Figure 3.5c
FRAME 4 POWER TERMINALS Technical Manual, Figure 5.5
FRAME 4 CONTROL TERMINALS Technical Manual, Figure 3.7a and b
E370D Shown 300 HP Constant Torque No. FRAME 5 125 through 500 HP Dimensions 56.14” High 15.96” Deep Width Varies 21.5” - 125 to 200 HP 38.0” - 250 to 350 HP 54.6” - 450 to 500 HP E370D Shown 300 HP Constant Torque Technical Manual, Figure 3.3
FRAME 5 POWER DESIGN SCR Controlled Front End AC Supply Line Reactor Braking Unit External RFI Filtering Input Only Line and DC Bus Fuses Internal Technical Manual, Figure 3.5d
CONTROL INPUTS 2 Analog Input 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10VDC,+/- 10VDC No. CONTROL INPUTS 2 Analog Input 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10VDC,+/- 10VDC 6 Multi-Function Inputs MF1-6 Programmable Active High or Low 110 VAC Option Card Available 1 External Trip Input Encoder inputs Selectable differential or single-ended Fiberoptic Input Standard Using inexpensive acrylic fiber cable Technical Manual, Section 3.1.5
CONTROL OUTPUTS 2 Analog Outputs (AO1,2) No. CONTROL OUTPUTS 2 Analog Outputs (AO1,2) 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10VDC,+/- 10VDC 3 Digital Outputs (RLY1-3) OP1 is a Form C Contact OP2,3 Normally Open Contacts All rated at 2A, 250 VAC or 30 VDC Fiberoptic Output Standard Technical Manual, Section 3.1.5
DIGITAL OUTPUTS BLOCK DIAGRAM Technical Manual, Figure 3.8
ANALOG OUTPUTS BLOCK DIAGRAM Technical Manual, Figure 3.8
DISPLAY UNIT Features LED’s for Status 2x16 Backlit Display No. DISPLAY UNIT Features LED’s for Status 2x16 Backlit Display Remote Mounting Up to 3 meters Local Control Start, Stop, and/or Reset Speed/Torque Ref Technical Manual, Section 7.1
LOCAL CONTROL BUTTONS Menu I1 Disables Keypad Features Scroll Next No. LOCAL CONTROL BUTTONS Scroll Next * Increase Menu I1 Disables Keypad Features Scroll Previous * Decrease Enter Submenu Modify Start PB Stop/Reset PB Technical Manual, Section 7.1
STATUS MESSAGES Status Messages STP - Stopped SPG - Stopping No. STATUS MESSAGES Status Messages STP - Stopped SPG - Stopping RDY - Ready RUN - Running INC - Inching ILT - Current Limiting VLT - Voltage Limiting F## - Fault Trip OFF - Output Off SLT - Speed Limiting TLT - Torque Limiting ATU - Autotuning SPN - Spin Starting HGT - Heating LFX - Low Flux Technical Manual, Section 9
Torque/Current Indicator No. STATUS LINE FEATURES Overload Status i - drive overloaded m - motor overloaded o - both overloaded Torque Mode Indicator T - torque mode (C/L) t - speed Mode (C/L) I - speed Mode (V/Hz,O/L) Torque/Current Indicator C/L - %of Full Load Torque V/Hz & O/L - Actual Amps Technical Manual, Section 9
STATUS LINE FEATURES (Continued) No. STATUS LINE FEATURES (Continued) Speed Mode Indicator S - Speed Mode (All Modes) s - Torque Mode (C/L only) Speed Indicator % of Base Speed Technical Manual, Section 9
Red = Enter Folding Screens White = Exit Folding Screens NAVIGATING THE MENUS F Screen I Screen L Screen M Screen O Screen Red = Enter Folding Screens White = Exit Folding Screens I1 Local I6 Analog I7 Digital I6a AI1 Technical Manual, Section 7.2.2
SCREEN GROUPS A Status Displays C Comparators D Dynamic Brake Setup F Fault History H Serial Comms I Inputs L Limits M Multi references N Nameplate Data O Outputs P Process Control R Rates- Accel/Decel S Start/Stop Mode X Motor Tuning Y Menu Options Z Commissioning Technical Manual, Figure 9.1a, b,c,d
COMMUNICATIONS OPTIONS No. COMMUNICATIONS OPTIONS RS-232 and RS-485 Modbus standard Fiberoptic peer-to-peer standard Option boards under keypad DeviceNet option card Interbus card Bardac drive.web Ethernet card Externally mounted options Profibus interface module
No. DRIVECOMM HIGHLIGHTS Uses Modbus protocol to communicate via either RS-232 or RS-485 port All menu items accessible from PC display and can be sorted by submenu
DRIVECOMM STATUS Permits Start/Stop and Speed/Torque control from a PC No. DRIVECOMM STATUS Permits Start/Stop and Speed/Torque control from a PC Can generate a hard copy of all settings
DRIVECOMM AND MODBUS E-Series RS232 Terminals 37,40-42
RS-485 MULTIDROP RS232 RS485 Terminals 37 - 40
FIBEROPTIC CONNECTION No. FIBEROPTIC CONNECTION E-Series Plastic Cable Reference And/Or Start/Stop possible Loss of communications fault (F27) configurable
BARDAC drive.web Ethernet Ethernet 10BaseT dw1102 under display
drive.web Java Based Tools Software maintenance using Java Web Start Remote troubleshooting via Internet Website support forum for multi-platforms Website
drive.web Software Tools Connected hardware automatically discovered Just double-click to go “Online” Trend any parameter
DeviceNet OPTION CARD DeviceNet EDNi mounts under display Set in Software Instance Number Baud Rate Node Address (Max 64) DeviceNet EDNi mounts under display
No. VYSTA HIGHLIGHTS Allows customization of the standard drive block diagram Easy to use graphical interface for functional programming Complete customization of the screen lists possible All IO and parameters in drive accessible from the user programs Type *.VLO files loaded through the RS-232 or RS-485 port using Drivelink software Standard drive or multiple Vysta custom configurations selected by the Y3 Menu Item
No. VYSTA SCREEN LISTS The Screen List may be completely customized to suit the application The standard drive screen list can be preserved and appended to, as necessary
No. VYSTA OVAL MENU The oval menu is used to drop the function blocks to implement the desired control scheme Multitude of logic, math, control functions available to the programmer
VYSTA PROGRAMMING 2 3 Set-point Local Speed ref Drive Ph run status sensor Set-point Dosing rate Flow OR AND Selection set via screen 0,1,2,3,4 Drive run status flag Reads Selection 3 2 PID corrects for long term drift and flow meter provides instantaneous correction Enables PID Flag both = flag set high Local Speed ref 1 4
Drivelink Software Uses serial comms port (RS-232/485) Used to load new drive firmware into flash EEPROM Used to load Vysta *.vlo files
BASIC SETUP OVERVIEW Enter the motor data (N Screen List) No. BASIC SETUP OVERVIEW Enter the motor data (N Screen List) Enter tuning parameters (X Screen List) Run in V/Hz Mode Check encoder (Z9) for C/L mode Run Autotune (X2 parameter) If failed, manually tune using X menu Tune the speed loop
Screen Group N: Motor Nameplate Data No. ENTER THE MOTOR DATA Screen Group N: Motor Nameplate Data N1 Motor Current = 10.7 Amps N2 Motor Volts = 460 VAC N3 Motor Frequency = 60 Hz N4 Motor Power = 0.746xHP = 5.60kW N5 Motor RPM = 1762 RPM N6 Motor Cooling = 40% (Low for C/L) N8 Encoder = 1024 PPR N9 Encoder I/P = Differential
ENTER THE TUNING DATA Screen Group X: Tuning X1 Control type No. ENTER THE TUNING DATA Screen Group X: Tuning X1 Control type Always start in V/Hz X5a ILT Slip = Enter motor % slip (synch speed - rated speed)/synch speed*100 X5b VLT Slip = Enter motor % slip For our motor, these values are 2.11%
RUN IN VOLTS/HERTZ Set the Local Setpoint to zero (A3 Screen) No. RUN IN VOLTS/HERTZ Set the Local Setpoint to zero (A3 Screen) Start the drive using local keypad Increase Local Setpoint (*+) until motor just turns Check the Z9 Encoder Count screen If increasing, encoder OK If decreasing, swap A (T31) and NOT A (T32) Check again, then continue
SWITCH TO OPEN/CLOSED LOOP No. SWITCH TO OPEN/CLOSED LOOP Change X1 from V/HZ to O/L or C/L Set X2 Autotune = Yes If passes, tune the speed loop and skip the following If failed, then manually set the following X3b = motor % slip X3c = motor % slip Run at 50 % speed and then check voltage on top line of screen X3a If voltage > 50%, decrease X3a If voltage < 50%, increase X3a
No. TUNE THE SPEED LOOP Increase X4f (Proportional Gain) until drive current just becomes unstable Reduce this value to 50% of that value Increase X4g (Integral Gain) until drive current just becomes unstable Reduce this value to 80% of that value Only in the most demanding applications will the X4h (Derivative Gain) have to be adjusted Now, configure the I/O and signal processing for the application