Oracle Tuning Practice How to leverage Precise to deliver the best performance to applications and their end-users…
Precise ranks the SQL statements by total execution time Precise ranks the SQL statements by total execution time. Precise tracks all execution states. The SQLs presented are in context to the Time Frame selected. The GUI is dynamic. It allows the user to drill in & out.
The SQL tab provides a work bench for analyzing a SQL statement The SQL tab provides a work bench for analyzing a SQL statement. You can step through the execution plan and review the tables and indices accessed. Precise offers statement level Findings. This automatically analyzes why a SQL statement is low.
Precise’s Oracle Profile SQL statement report shows changes in behavior. SQL statements that show a jump in execution time and non-productive time should be investigated.
Objects ranked by their contribution to execution time. “In Oracle (summed )” is the total execution time for all SQL statements accessing the object.
Object Level Findings;
Review “In Oracle” time before & after.
Click on statements under the “index overhead” reveals the SQL statements involved. Let’s investigate the top statement.
Click on Tune
The SQL statement level Finding shows “Heavy Index Overhead”. Click “Learn More” and follow the recommendations.
Recommend can be used to model dropping an index. What-If shows the impact on all SQL statements.
Precise’s Oracle Profile Objects report shows changes in behavior. Objects that saw a jump in rank may have become fragmented.
Precise offers multiple dimensions for isolating the SQL statements used by a business process.
When the application stack includes Java, Precise can correlate the SQL statement(s) used by a business transaction.
The SQL statement History shows the execution time of a SQL statement. A new index allows Oracle’s Optimizer to choose an index range scan rather than use parallel saving ~1 second per execution.
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