Coretta Scott King Book Award Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Coretta Scott King Book Award Sabrina Carnesi November 2, 2017 Old Donimion University: Nxt Wave Scholar Coretta Scott King Nonjuried CSK Program Committee
Award Defined Founders: Mabel McKissick Glyndon Greer Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Award Defined BLACK AMERICAN AUTHORS & ILLUSTRATORS: Children & Young Adult titles VIRGINIA HAMILTON LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: Author or illustrator JOHN STEPTOE FOR NEW TALENT: Young Illustrators and Authors Founders: Mabel McKissick Glyndon Greer African American Culture Universal Human Values
Historic Timeline 1969 ALA Annual: Atlantic City, NJ Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Historic Timeline 1969 ALA Annual: Atlantic City, NJ 1970 1st Author Awarded: Lillie Patterson’s MLK, Jr.: Man of Peace (Gerrard, 1969) 1972 1st Awards Breakfast 1974 1st Illustrator Award: George Ford for Ray Charles (Crowell, 1973) 1979 Formed Task Force w/ALA 1982 Officially Recognizwd by ALA 1995 1st John Steptoe Award : Sharon Draper’s Tears of a Tiger (Simon & Schuster, 1994) 2010 1st Virginia Hamilton Author Lifetime Achievement Award Walter Dean Myers 2011 1st Virginia Hamilton Practitioner Lifetime Achievement Award Henrietta M. Smith
Award Symbol Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch The OHM CIRCLE: CONTINUITY OF IDEAS & RESOLUTION 5 MAJOR RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS BELOW CHILD Islam– Hindu – Christianity- Judaism - Tao PYRAMID: STRENGTH + ATLANTA U. ORIGINS Dove: Peace Rays: Sun shining on Peace & Brotherhood
Brochure Titles 1969 – 2017: Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Brochure Titles 1969 – 2017:
Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Links to Teaching Materials for all Award Books, including CSK from 1970 – Present
Click on Order by Award Year
Jerry Pinkney – Illustrator - Honor
Create a list of unique things in your house to find and ask your famity to participate in a scavenger hunt. Create your own greeting card – Jerry Pinkney was a greeting card designer. Sophie finds a dollar hidden on her grandfather’s face. What would you do with money given to you? Family Structure: Who do you live with? What type of games do you play in your house?
R. Gregory Christie Illustrator Honor
Have you ever looked forward to an event Have you ever looked forward to an event? Write a poem about something you looked forward to and how you felt before and after the event? Why do you think Christie drew the enslaved people looking to the right looking to Sunday and bent at 90o ? All week the enslaved had daily work. Make a list of the chores you have to do weekly. Share which you don’t like and which chores you like? Work with your music teacher to make instruments and create some of the music they enslaved people mae, when they got together at Congo Sq. Congo Sq. was placed on the National Historic Registry. Are there any historic places in your community? What are they? What is the history?
Ashley Bryan Illustrator Honor
Select 2 people from the story. What do they talk about? Search in the Internet for the song Oh Freedom. What does it tell you about how the slaves fell about being enslaved? How does it make you feel? Do research to learn about spirituals. Where do they come from? In what ways are they alike and different? Why are they important to the history of American music? Read the poem from Mrs. Mary Fairchild. How do you think she feels about the slaves? What kind of slave master did she think her husband was? How can you tell? Why do you agree or disagree? Why do you thing the slaves would agree or disagree with her?
3rd Year in a Row – Steptoe 2015 , 2 CSK Honors 2016 Jason Reynolds Author Honor 3rd Year in a Row – Steptoe 2015 , 2 CSK Honors 2016
What Genie and Ernie like and dislike about the country and the South What Genie and Ernie like and dislike about the country and the South? What did they learn about themselves, others, and their family? Throughout the story, Genie adds a question to his journal, (“How many stars are there in the sky” p.250) . Start your own research notebook listing all the questions that occur to you over the cours of a week? Research ( you can use the Internwt, like Genie does! Answer five of your questions and share your findings with your class. Grandfather refers to the days of the early Jim Crow, when he tells the stories about the family. Genie learns that the local boys learning to shoot rifles at the age of 14 occurred after the death of Emmett Till. What is Jim Crow? P. 391. How much do you know about Emmett Till and how that played into his story?
Nicola Yoon John Steptoe Winner
Natasha’s father made a harmful decision for the whole family Natasha’s father made a harmful decision for the whole family? Do you think he should have consulted the family before making the decision? Why or Why not? How does this story address the issues in current day society? If applicable, provide credible documentation from the real world? Coincidence and fate play a major part in this story. In what way has fate and coincidence affected your life? In what way did random fate and coincidence affect Natasha and Daniel? How would you describe Daniel and his dad’s relationship? Is his father wrong for choosing his career?
Javaka Steptoe Illustrator Winner Son of John Steptoe
Javaka tells the story of an artist that inpired him Javaka tells the story of an artist that inpired him. Who inspires you and how would you tell their story? The illustrations in this book contain numerous symbols or motifs. What motifs represent you and your life? The artist of this book was inspired by the world around him and used found objects to create art. Look around your environment. What could be made into art? In what way do you think it could be done? Javaka Steptoe and Jean-Michel Basquiat both dreamed of being artists. What is your dream?
John Lewis & Andrew Aydin Author Winner Took Every Division: Printz, YALSA Nonfiction, Siebert, and National Book Award 2016
What do you know about some of the key figures in this 3rd installment for Rep. Lewis’s life? Choose one person from this title, write about their life and their contribution to the Civil Rights Movement: Dr. MLK, Jr.; Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson; George Wallace; Fannie Lou Hamer; Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy. Why does one part of the story occur on January 20, 2009. Why is that date so important to Rep. John Lewis? Why is it important to the Civil Rights Movement? Why do you think the authors thought to make March into 3 parts? Why do you think they made the story a graphic instead of prose? George Santayana wrote, ”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat the pass. What do you think young people today have learned from Congressman Lewis’s experience in the 1960s?
Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch This Presentation is Located on the Presentation Page of Brichi’s Lit Spot
Medal Winner Steptoe Honor YR Patch Thank You