Increases and Decreases In Iman (Faith)


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Presentation transcript:

Increases and Decreases In Iman (Faith) Part 1 - Introduction

It is also the greatest and most glorious of them It is also the greatest and most glorious of them. All the good in the world and the Hereafter is dependent upon the presence of Iman and on its soundness and integrity. The lofty rank and high station iman (faith) possesses is not something obscure, as it is unquestionably the most important duty as well as being the most imperative of all obligations.

Iman (Faith) holds such a multitude of benefits, ripe fruits, delicious produce, constant food and continual goodness. It is within this context, that those certain folk embarked upon and competed with each other in directing their attention to trying to actualize and fulfill eemaan. For the Muslim who is granted the success, his concern for his Iman is greater than any other concern he may have - and this must be so.

No one understood the importance of safeguarding faith better than the companions. . 'Umar Ibn al-Khattaab used to say to his companions: “Come on, so that we may increase our eemaan”. 2. ‘Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood used to say: “Sit with us, so that we may increase in Faith.” He used to say in his supplications: “O Allaah increase me in faith, certainty and understanding.” 3. Mu’aadh ibn Jabal used to say: “Sit with us, so that we may have faith for an hour”

Other Companions said the following in regards to increasing faith: 4. ‘Abdullaahibn Rawaahah used to take some of his companions by the hand and say: “come on, so that we may have eemaanfor an hour. come on, let us remember allaah so that we increase ineemaan by obeying him; he may remember us by forgiving us:’ 5. Aboo Dardaa used to say: “it is from theintelligence of the servant to know whether he is increasing ordecreasing, and indeed, it is from the intelligence of the servant toknow how, where and when the whispers of shaytaan appear to him.” 6. Umayr ibnhabeeb al-khatmee used to say: “Faith increases and decreases.” someone asked: “what increases it and what decreases it?” he replied: “lf we remember Allaah, praise him, and declare his perfection; that is what increases it. if we are heedless, squander and forget; that is what decreases it.’

Narratives of this sort are many and If one also reflect on their biographies and read their tales, one will notice the intense concern they attached to the issue of Faith and the great attention they gave to it. These virtuous people knew that Faith has many causes, which increase it, strengthen it, and make it grow, and likewise, that it has  several other causes, which decrease it weaken it and undermine it. Accordingly they strove to comply with that which strengthens and completes the Faith and they warned, very strongly against everything that weakened and decreased the Faith; thus, they became as a result, a righteous and virtuous people. The knowledge therefore, of these causes entails great and abundant benefits.

In fact, the knowledge and personification of these causes and focusing on them is of dire necessity. This is because faith signifies perfection for the servant, and it is the way towards his success and happiness By faith the servant’s rank rises in this world and the hereafter. it is the reason and route to all worldly and heavenly good, and it does not come about, obtain strength, or become complete, without knowledge of it’s ways and causes. Hence, it is very appropriate for the Muslim servant, the adviser to his own self and the one eager over his own happiness, to strive to acquaint himself with these causes. he should ponder over them and then apply them in his life, so that his faith increases and his certainty strengthens. He must also distance himself from the causes that decrease faith and safeguard his self from committing them, so that he delivers himself from their ill end and painful consequences. The one who is granted the tawfeeq to this has indeed been given the tawfeeq to all good.

The great scholar ibn Sa’dee, says, ‘The Muslim, who has been granted the tawfeeq, does not cease from working towards two things: The first - fulfilling faith and its subsidiaries, and establishing it in speech, action and state. The second - striving to repel the apparent and hidden forms of fitan, which negate,invalidate or decrease faith.

The Muslim employs sincere repentance as a remedy for the short comings he has in the first mailer as well as for that which he boldly embarked upon in the second matter He also takes steps to make amends before it is too late. This series of lectures will thus focuss on the causes of decrease in faith and what steps can be taken to increase it

To be continued