Jill Bemis MASBO Institute February 23, 2016 Special Pupils Jill Bemis MASBO Institute February 23, 2016 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”
Special Pupils Categories for State Aid Special pupils with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Special pupils without IEPs. Court placed non-Minnesota residents with IEPs. Out-of-state tuition for Minnesota residents. education.state.mn.us
Special Pupil Applications Special pupil applications are typically due the middle of October the year following the expenditures. Each application has requirements for the district to meet to insure that the student is eligible for aid. http://education.state.mn.us/mde/index.html Link to “Forms” near bottom of page education.state.mn.us
Determining Eligibility Review eligibility criteria on application. Gather information from the placing agency. Document placement and parental rights. Review MARSS 17 report. education.state.mn.us
Special Pupils with IEPs Minnesota Statute 125A.79, Subdivision 3 Placed by Minnesota court or human services. Had Individualized Education Program (IEP). Placement is a licensed foster facility, state institution, or residential facility – not a typical foster home. Documentation Court or human services placement. Ward of the state. Parent’s right status. MARSS 17 student report. Completed ED-02433 form. Did the LEA certify: i. The student was placed by the courts or humans services and not the school district? ii. The student had an Individual Education Program (IEP) in effect for the time that the student was in placement? iii. The placement was at a licensed foster facility, state institution, or residential facility, and not a typical foster home? iv. The district submitted MARSS Report 17? v. One of the following made the student a ward of the state? Parent's rights were terminated? Parents move out-of-state after placement? Parents whereabouts were unknown (no district of residence can be established)? Parent was a resident of a Minnesota correctional facility of half-way house? vi. The LEA provided documentation of parent's status? Usually, MARSS State Aid Category (SAC) 27 or 14. education.state.mn.us
Special Pupils without IEPs Minnesota Statute 125A.75, Subdivision 3 Placed by Minnesota court or human services. No Individualized Education Program (IEP). Placement is a licensed foster facility, state institution, or residential facility – not a typical foster home. Documentation Court or human services. Parent’s rights termination. Statement for regular (core) education cost per day. MARSS 17 student report. Completed ED-02434 form. Did the LEA certify: The student was placed by the courts or humans services and not the school district? The student did not have an Individual Education Program (IEP) in effect for the time that the student was in placement? The placement was at a licensed foster facility, state institution, or residential facility, and not a typical foster home? The district submitted MARSS Report 17? Parent's rights were terminated? The LEA provided documentation of costs of providing core or general education services per day? Usually, MARSS State Aid Category (SAC) 27. education.state.mn.us
Court Placed Non-Minnesota Residents with IEPs Minnesota Statute 125A.79, Subdivision 4 Placed by Minnesota court or human services. Had Individualized Education Program (IEP). Documentation Court or human services. Statement for regular (core) education cost per day. Letter or invoice attempt to bill district/state of resident. MARSS 17 student report. Completed ED-02432 form. Did the LEA certify: The student was placed by the courts or human services not the parents or the school district? The student have an Individual Education Program (IEP) in effect for the time that the student was in placement? The district submitted a statement for regular (core) education costs per day if care and treatment? The district submitted a MARSS Report 17? v.1 The district attempted to invoice the district/state of residence and the invoice was declined. v.2 The district submitted documentation to support attempt (letters or invoices and responses)? vi. That there were intake procedures in place to assure that the placing agency is responsible for education costs. Usually, MARSS State Aid Category (SAC) 15. education.state.mn.us
Out-of-state Tuition for Minnesota Residents Minnesota Statute 125A.79, Subdivision 8 Placed by Minnesota court or human services. Had Individualized Education Program (IEP). Placement is a care and treatment facility. Documentation Court or human services placement. Copies of paid invoices. MARSS 17 student report. Completed ED-02431 form. Student has not been entered on EDRS. Did the LEA certify: The student was placed by the courts or human services not the parents or the school district? The student have an Individual Education Program (IEP) in effect for the time that the student was in placement? The placement was in a care and treatment facility? The district submitted a MARSS Report 17? If yes, verify dates cover request. If no, request from LEA. Note: The report will only cover days school was in session and will not include summer school. The district submitted copies of invoices paid? The invoices were only for educations services, not care and treatment or board and lodging? The student has not been entered on EDRS? Usually, MARSS State Aid Category (SAC) 14. education.state.mn.us
Special Pupil Aid The aid for special pupils is paid to the districts the year following the expenditure. The aid is paid through the Integrated Department of Education (IDEAS) and is not metered, but a one-time payment. The aid will be listed in the special education section of IDEAS under the current year. education.state.mn.us
MDE Contact for Special Pupils Primary Contact: Jill Bemis Email: jill.bemis@state.mn.us Phone: 651-582-8408 Secondary Contact: Email: mde.spedfunding@state.mn.us education.state.mn.us