EMI Testbeds Discussion Danilo Dongiovanni INFN-CNAF
PREMISE Testbeds are the “place” (HW+SETTINGS) were tests should be run: Testbed setup is already a test: deployment / documentation In EMI PT-centered certification model, inter-component testing testbed is the “official” place where different products form an integrated middleware: some issues come up at this level 54 certified product may not make a “certified” release TEAM: Bjorn (UNICORE), Marek (ARC), Christian (dCache), Danilo/Tomasz/Frantisek (gLite), 30/05/2011 EMI AHM, Lund, Sweden 2
DISCUSSION: Inter-Component Testbed Who is running the tests from “User Perspective”? EMI-1 SA2.6 during deployment: For single instance deployment testing: Need of “Setup OK” Test Certification → Verification → Testbed: Do we need to improve this chain? Increase PT- independent verification between PT and Released product? SA2.6 “de facto” defined a set of tests to check basic functioning → unefficient and not assuring product quality: is this SA2.6 role? Inter-Component testing responsibility is on client components? → defining and automating Inter-Component testing? Testbed usage: Certainly useful for release testing and preview activity (training etc.) PTs feedback using the testbed? We miss usage monitoring 30/05/2011 EMI AHM, Lund, Sweden 3
It is an occasion for reaching outer community and having feedback: DISCUSSION Large Scale / Preview It is an occasion for reaching outer community and having feedback: PT see it as extrawork, not as opportunity to have better quality products Is GGUS the only way t? Is it a matter of finding the HW to reach the right scale or are we asking outer people to test products for us? (main concern from volunteers) 30/05/2011 EMI AHM, Lund, Sweden 4
Thank you!