Transportation Systems Engineering, IIT Bombay, India International Workshop on EU-India Research &Innovation Partnership for Efficient and Sustainable Freight Transportation (REINVEST) REINVEST PROJECT UPDATES Presented By Dr Nagendra R. Velaga Transportation Systems Engineering, IIT Bombay, India Prepared by: Kirti Mahajan Research Scholars-IITB
OUTLINE Updates about manpower Role of IIT B (i.e., work packages) WP3: Knowledge Sharing – Workshop Key Insights of Workshop Future Plans or Deliverables
Updates about manpower One Ph.D student Research associate (for 3 months contract)
IIT-B as Leader IIT-B as Contributor ROLE of IIT-B WP3:Knowledge Sharing Organization of Internal Workshops Mobility of researchers Organization of International Workshop and conferences in India IIT-B as Leader WP:1Support internal management activities (reports, cost statements) WP:2 Identifying current market requirements and best practices WP:4 Facilitating knowledge sharing on web space WP:6 Piloting the toolkit for chosen case study WP:7 Dissemination of REINVEST findings IIT-B as Contributor Activity 2.2 –Market requirements (Task Leader: IIT-B, Contributors involved: all) This task aims to define the market requirements for green and sustainable best practices as well as for future industrial and research requirements. A specific case study will be conducted from auto and logistics sector. 4
KNOWLEDGE SHARING – WORKSHOP International Workshop at IIT-B (8 Jan,2016) SPEAKERS’ BACKGROUND Industry -Logistics : Associate VP from TCS, Chief Manager JN Port Trust, Manager R&D Safexpress group.(3) -Communication and Technology: 2 consultants from TCS, Joint Director CDAC, Software Er. from Mathworks Ltd. (4) Researchers : 8 faculty and 5 research scholars from participant universities. (13) Business Education expert from IIM Calcutta. (1) HIGHLIGHTS 5
MAIN TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Multimodal freight transportation market demand and challenges Sustainable Omni channel last mile delivery network Successful logistics industry and economic growth Future plans on smart, green and sustainable freight mobility Issues of carbon emissions in freight transport Group discussion with the participants on market requirements and best practices in freight transport.
SUSTAINABLE FREIGHT TRANSPORT -Key Insights From The Workshop Poor infrastructure, non-uniform trade regulations, unskilled labour and lack of R&D are major issues currently faced by each logistic industry. The need for an integrated logistics approach instead of a modal approach. The need of advanced forecasting models: Capacity optimization, Digital Repository etc as there is a clear mismatch between capacity and demand Exploring passenger transport and infrastructure as shared logistics. Collecting data and public response is one of the big challenges in freight transportation research. Demonstration of optimisation of different causal parameters of a generic freight transportation system on simulink software package. 7
Key Insights From The Workshop Cont’d.. Coordination among departments of transportation, commerce, and economic development and other stakeholders Shifting to low carbon emission freight transport services Sustainable freight transport driven from technology and policies CDAC initiatives for mobility, safety, energy and environment in ITS enabled freight transportation Challenges faced by logistics industry like waterways transport. REINVEST-project website developed by IIT KGP Exploiting city buses and terminals for freight transportation. Achieving zero carbon emission by Last mile delivery by means of Electric Vehicles Hybrid vehicles Gas driven engines 8
Key Insights From The Workshop Cont’d.. CASE STUDIES Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT),Mumbai: Non-major ports in India are growing at a much faster pace than major ports like JNPT - by Asish Kumar Bose, Chief Manager (Traffic), JNPT Empty backhauling is the major problem in Florida as it does not exports/produces very much - by Prof. Abdul Pinjari,(University of South Florida) SAFEXPRESS Group, Delhi (by Dr. Shisam Bhattacharyya, Manager - R&D) Discussed its different delivery models ITS and tracking facilities enabled Initiatives for container freight education 9
REINVEST- Current Projects Discussed IIT-Delhi Research Projects Dedicated Freight Corridor and its need in Indian scenario Sustainable Post-disaster debris Removal Modeling Sustainable Supply Chain to evolve into Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent, Sustainable IIT-KGP Research Projects Minimizing total cost including carbon emission costs of cargos transportation ‘Collection-Disassembly Problem in reverse supply chain IIT-Delhi Research Projects ‘Dedicated Freight Corridor and its need in Indian scenario’ emphasizing need to shift to rail transport mode ‘Sustainable Post-disaster debris Removal’ to make optimized models for humanitarian logistics Modeling Sustainable Supply Chain to evolve into Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent, Sustainable Collection-Disassembly Problem in reverse supply chain under uncertainty’ focusing problems in linear economy because of the wastage developed
REINVEST- IITB FUTURE DELIVERABLES TARGET KNOWLEDGE AREAS TO EXPLORE AND DISSEMINATE: Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications in freight End to end supply chain security and Safety -Safe mobility of Goods -Safety of Drivers Existing freight transportation Policies and requirements. Advanced techniques in Sustainable, Smart and Green freight Transportation. IIT KGP developed REINVEST-project website enabled with the project activity-updates and an optimized search engine for users. 11
CASE STUDY: Safety of Freight Carriers Focus on enriching the ‘3S’ framework for accident safety of truck drivers Safety: Evaluating potential risks factors Security enhancement with ICT Stressless driving : Fatigued & Drowsiness driving, Loading-unloading practices, long work periods, timed delivery pressures
Policies for Sustainable freight transport Economic Efficiancy and Productivity Energy efficiency Employment and revenue generation Access and connectivity Integrating transportation and land-use Promotion of Institutional integration of urban transportation management Implement travel demand management policy for freight transport Policy recommendation for sustainable freight transport energy development Policy recommendation for freight transport related environmental protection. Sustainability Social Equity and fairness Social inclusiveness and value Health Safety Environmental Air pollution Noice pollution Climate change impacts Land use
Transportation Systems Engineering THANK YOU Transportation Systems Engineering IIT Bombay, India
REINVEST- THEME Financially and Socially Sustainable To Future Demands Freight Transportation Research collaboration between EU and India Efficient and Environment Friendly Freight Transportation Financially and Socially Sustainable To Future Demands
REINVEST - OBJECTIVES To strengthen India – EU strategic partnership among 6 leading research clusters To analyze the state of the art of freight transportation in both continents To develop a sustainable freight transportation framework toolkit To create a multi-disciplinary network of freight transportation among companies, technology providers and researchers To establish a common working innovation platform for users and researchers To increase the knowledge sharing, visibility and impact.