12 A Research Project Day 1. Research/Notes - 3 x 5 card inquiry due Day 2. Research/Draft - Annotated biblio due Day 3. Draft Day -Progress Check Day 4. Presentation Slides -Paper Due I can: ► W 5 -conduct short research tasks to build knowledge - formulate an inquiry question - gather information from multiple sources, annotate, cite - use advanced searches ► W 3.2 -organize information to make connections -develop a topic with definitions, details, quotations, examples -choose appropriate language ► W 4 –use technology to produce individual or shared writing projects
►Develop 3 Main Inquiry Questions Examples: College Career Military Financial Earnings/Benefits Branches/History Academics Advancements Jobs/Advancements Activities Training Requirements Housing Companies Paths Inquiry Question #1 ________________________________________ Inquiry Question #2 ________________________________________ Inquiry Question #3 ________________________________________
►Paper Format MLA header- 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, Title Centered Introduction with 3-part thesis Body Point #1 (Inquiry question 1) Body Point #2 (Inquiry question 2) Body Point #3 (Inquiry question 3) Conclusion Works Cited
In-Text Citations + Works Cited
Annotated Bibliography & Note-taking ►Research- 5 sources minimum
Websites Author. “Title.” Container, Publisher, Publication Date, Location. Last Name, First Name or N.A. “Title.” Website Name Italicized, Publisher of Site, 1 Jan 2017, 5:00 p.m., URL/DOI. If there is no author- put n.a. If there is no date- put n.d. If there is no author, cite it in your paper by the article title.
As the author--- states In the article -----, the author states Paragraph Structure -Topic sentence (inquiry question) -Set up information -Paraphrase or quote (citation) -Synthesize/discuss concept- -Synthesize/discuss concept -Conclude main idea of paragraph 1/3 own, 1/3 quotes, 1/3 paraphrase Citation Lead-Ins According to… Research shows… This can be shown… As the author--- states Yet another reason is Additionally. In the article -----, the author states For example, For instance, As illustrated by
Author’s Name + Page Number 1. Author’s name used in the sentence + (page). John Smith stated, “-------------”(9). 2. Author’s name NOT used in the sentence (Last Name page). “-------------” (Smith 9). For quotes and paraphrases!
Sample Lead- ins Citation Lead-Ins According to… Research shows… Original Quote “Mrs. Jankowski provides excellent resources.” Quoted by John Smith page 3 Citation Lead-Ins According to… Research shows… This can be shown… As the author--- states Yet another reason is Additionally. In the article -----, the author states For example, For instance, As illustrated by Sample Quote 1: According to John Smith, “Mrs. Jankowski provides excellent resources” (3). Sample Quote 2 Yet another reason Mrs. Jankowski is a great teacher is that she, “provides excellent resources” (Smith 3). Paraphrase: Mrs. Jankowski is known for creating strong materials for her students (Smith 3).
Ways to quote 1. Begin with your own words (paraphrase) and end with a quote EXAMPLES: -Hamlet's task is to avenge a "foul and most unnatural murder" (Shakespeare 925). -The speaker is mystified by her sleeping baby, whose "moth-breath / flickers among the flat pink roses" (Plath 17). 2. An introductory phrase naming the source followed by a comma Examples: -According to Smith, "[W]riting is fun" (215). -In Smith's words, " . . . -In Smith's view, " . . . 3. If your lead-in to the quotation ends in that or as, don't follow it with a comma. The first letter of the quotation should be lower case. -Smith points out that "millions of students would like to burn this book" (53). -Smith argues that " . . . 4. Use a descriptive verb followed by a comma Examples: Smith states, "This book is terrific" (102). Smith remarks, " . . . Smith writes, " . . . Smith notes, " . . .
Works Cited Page Center Title ABC order Indent additional lines Double Spaced
►Presentation (Week before finals) Requirements Slide 1 Title Slide (Name, Organization name, & Logo) 50 Slide 2 Inquiry Question 1- highlight info Slide 3 Inquiry Question 2- highlight info Slide 4 Inquiry Question 3- highlight info Slide 5 Concluding Statement Slide 6 Citations Visuals Graphics, Logos, Colors, Size (consistency) Presentation Solid verbal & nonverbal communication formal tone