Naviance for the Novice Guidance Department Bishop Stang High School
Intro to Naviance Succeed: What is Naviance Succeed? Naviance Succeed is a fully integrated solution designed to help raise student accountability and performance across a number of key indicators leading to increased engagement, improvements in academic performance and overall workplace and college readiness. It is important to note that Naviance is a FULLY INTEGRATED SOLUTION designed to ENGAGE STUDENTS in meaningful activities To ENSURE that all students are WORKPLACE and COLLEGE READY
Intro to Naviance Succeed: What is Naviance Succeed? Success Planning Career Planning Course Planning College Planning Family Connection for Students and Parents Succeed for School Staff This diagram illustrates our integrated web based solution. At the heart of our solution lies our success, career, college, course planning tools We have two sides to our our solution: We have one website called FC where students and families access our planning tools. We also have a website called Naviance Succeed where you as school staff access the planning tools. Bringing it all together are also powerful collaborative tools that allow for open communication, information sharing and reporting capabilities.
Intro to Naviance Succeed: Benefits of Naviance Succeed Benefits for Students Provides single source for personal research, tracking and communication tools Provides structured approach Enables students to explore interests strengths and goals. Links career, college and course planning tools enabling maximum post-secondary success Benefits for School Staff Provides single source for research, tracking and communication tools for all students Streamlines counseling process to make time for more meaningful student engagement Provides robust analytics for student activity reporting Success Planning Career Planning Course Planning College Planning In terms of benefits it is important to note that your STUDENTS: Have one source to access career and college tools Are able to explore interests and conduct research Link key concepts within our planning tools to create meaningful connections And it is important to understand that for you as SCHOOL STAFF: Also have one source to access career and college tools You can access information for all students helping you to streamlines your workflows so you can spend valuable time meeting with students Can make data informed decisions with access to our reporting framework
Intro to Naviance Succeed: Career Planning School Set Up: Set up Family Connection Optional Features to activate assessments Students: Complete personality and interest assessments Research career clusters, pathways and careers Build career lists Link results to course & college planning Schools: Access career research tools & assessment results Track student career interests Report on career interests and trends Career Planning: For set up, you will just need to turn on the career assessments and give your students access to the CP search functions. In FC your students will be able to: Complete assessments Research careers Build favorites lists And discover course requirements and colleges that align with careers of interest Just like in SP you have transparency on the school side to view: You can view and report on assessment results View lists of careers across all students– you can run a report for most popular careers to aid in planning guests for Career Day And you have the ability to pull it all together within our reporting framework
Intro to Naviance Succeed: College Planning School Set Up: Import scholarship lists Import college application history Configure research tools Set up college visits Prepare to use eDocs Students: Research colleges Build college lists Request application documents from counselors and teachers Track college applications Schools: Access college research tools Track student applications Prepare and submit application documents Generate reports When you start using college planning you will want to: If available, Import scholarship lists as well college application history for previous class years to populate historical data for use in scattergrams Then you will need to set up a few of the research tools such as quicklists and college groups to make it easier to research colleges You will also want to set up your college visit schedule so your students can begin to view the schedule and sign up for visits scheduled at your school. When students start using CP…. They will be able to research colleges and build favorites list They can also request documents from teachers and counselors such as teacher recommendation forms and transcripts Students can also update status of college applications and view status of their document requests Schools can…… Access the same research tools as the students And greatly streamline the college and scholarship application process using Naviance’s management tools. Pending requests can be tracked using our application management tools And if your school plans to use eDocs you can actually prepare and submit many of the application documents directly to colleges that accept electronic submissions including all of the Common App schools. Our reporting feature allows you to report on college statistics and data. Our clients have told us that having access to our college planning reports have saved them tons of time when reporting on things like matriculation lists and scholarship awards for end of the year reporting.
Collaborative Tools: Messaging Tools Students & Parents: View emails sent by school staff in FC inbox as well as through email Respond to school-generated email Schools: Create email templates Send mass emails to targeted students, parents & college contacts Track status of sent messages Navigate to Connections >email Another time-saving collaborative piece to Succeed is our messaging tool. This gives schools staff a way to engage students and families through batch email options. Show blank email- show templates- show filters
Family Connection Overview: Navigation The website for students and family members is called Family Connection. Using Family Connection, students can: Research careers and colleges Take assessments and surveys Create goals and to-dos Navigate Connections > FC > customization screen Navigate to student folder > family connection I’m going to log in to FC to show you the view from a student perspective.
Welcome Page Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Welcome Page The first thing students and families see when they log in to FC is the Welcome Page. You can post news announcements, updates, notifications This page is basically the students’ dashboard
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Welcome Page The Welcome page on Family Connection contains key information and links to features such as: Email messages and comments sent from counselors Email messages and comments sent from teachers Comments added to student goals and tasks Documents uploaded to student goals and tasks Updates to documents Notifications when a task is assigned, completed, or waived Email notification digests to inform students when a task or program deadline is approaching or due
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Colleges Colleges
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Colleges My Colleges: A list of colleges the student is thinking about and applying to. Also a place to see upcoming college visits. Students can add colleges to their “favorites” list in several ways. Simplest is to click add to list from a college profile It can also be done from the colleges I’m thinking about page (multiple colleges can be added at once this way) Navigate to Colleges tab Students can track colleges they are applying to or thinking about Expand colleges I’m thinking about- remind that you as school staff can view on their side Show college visit schedule Research tools- we have 10 different research tools that you can make available to your students Scholarship research tools- students can research scholarships to find $ to pay for college you can add your own scholarship list for tracking purposes and make Salie Mae database available to your students
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Colleges There are 10 tools in the college research area that students can use to find colleges
Family Connection Overview: Navigation – Search Tools
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Scattergrams
Scholarship applications can also be tracked in Family Connection Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Colleges Scholarship information is also on the colleges tab in Family Connection There are three built-in tools to find scholarships: scholarship match, scholarship list, and national scholarship search Scholarship applications can also be tracked in Family Connection
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Careers Careers
Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Careers Students can research careers & clusters on Family Connection from the careers tab. Once a student has found a career, an information page with tabs will appear with description of the career, related majors, wage information, common tasks, knowledge and skills needed, et cetera Navigate to Careers tab Here is where students research careers and clusters and complete career assessments: Personality Type- DWYA assessment good for 10-12th grade Career Interest Profiler – based on Holland theory of vocation Career Key- like CIP but geared toward 6-8 graders
Career assessments available: Family Connection Overview: Navigation - Careers Career assessments available: Career Cluster Finder: helps students find career clusters based on interests, personal qualities and subjects they enjoy. Do What You Are™: uses the Myers-Briggs personality types to suggest careers & clusters Career Interest Profiler and Career Key™: uses Holland Interest Codes to assess career profile. Career Key is aimed for middle school usage.
Family Connection Overview: Navigation – About Me About Me
Surveys Resume Profile Account Information Test Scores Family Connection Overview: Navigation – About Me Surveys Resume Profile Account Information Test Scores Navigate to About Me tab Students can: complete surveys Review profile data Build resumes View test scores & Manage their own account information