NUMGE – Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
Norway’s largest trade union Almost 360.000 members More than 80 % of the members are women NUMGE is affiliated to the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions – LO About 500 local branches County organisations Region offices
Established in 2003 The final decision about establishing NUMGE was made in 2003. It was decided to merge the two trade unions: The Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees (established 1920) and: The Norwegian Association of Health and Care personnel. (established 1965) The new merged trade union was named: Fagforbundet, The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (NUMGE)
More than 100 different occupational groups: Employees in municipal and county activities Employees in public and private healthcare institutions Employees in public transport Hairdressers Clerical employees Cleaners Employees in housing associations Public sector cultural workers
Membership All Employees in the Municipalities and the Health sector can be members in the NUMGE. Approximately 50 % of the employees within our organsational area are members of Fagforbundet. NUMGE also organises apprentices, pupils and students within the union’s organisational area. Pupils in the upper Secondary school receives free membership.
NUMGE is working for: Decent pay, pensions and working conditions A strong, dynamic and available public sector Universal welfare schemes Full employment A sustainable environment for ourselves and for coming generations International solidarity Equal rights
The structure of NUMGE The nine members of the Executive Committee are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the union. The Executive Board meets once a month, and consists of the members of the Executive Committee and 15 other representatives. Every four years the National Congress is held. Between the Congresses it is the National Board that is NUMGEs highest governing body, consisting of 74 members. Meets four times a year.
4 Divisions Division for Health and Social Services Division for Office and Administration Division for Public Transport and Technical Staff Division for Church, Culture, Children and Youth
The Branches • Oslo Approximately 500 local union branches Union local-level elected officers who has special local responsibility for the divisions in the Union Each county has a NUMGE county organisation Vocational activities NUMGE has approximately 19,000 local-level elected officers around the country
Union magazines, digital newsletters, websites and social media All members receive the Union magazine Fagbladet free each month. A digital newsletter to the members minimum 3 times a week. There is also a free journal for local-level elected officers. Eight editions each year. A digital newsletter two times a week to the representatives. Several occupational groups receive their own electronic newsletters.; facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram
Bank and Insurance The Banking and Insurance company Sparebank1 is partly owned by The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO). This gives NUMGE members a number of special benefits, such as LO’s collective home insurance scheme, and good terms for loans and deposits.
Affiliates The Union is affiliated to and cooperates with several national organisations in order to promote the interests of our members within the framework of our strategic programme. The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions The Norwegian Federation of State Employees' Unions The Workers' Educational Association The People's Correspondence School The Norwegian People's Aid
International affiliates ILO - International Labour Organisation ICFTU The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions PSI – Public Services International EPSU - European Public Service Union ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation KNS - Nordic Association of Municipal Employees