Presentation By: Alex Beck Taoism and Buddhism Presentation By: Alex Beck The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
+ - TAO The Tao is like a well: used but never used up. It is like the eternal void: filled with infinite possibilities. [The Tao] doesn’t know the union of male and female, yet its penis can stand erect, so intense is its vital power. The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds. TAO Active Passive Male Female Odd Even Hot Cold + - “electron holes” “electron clouds”
The Tao gives birth to One. 21 = 2 monograms One gives birth to Two. 22 = 4 digrams Two gives birth to Three. 23 = 8 trigrams Three gives birth to all things.
Ignorance is the root cause of all this suffering. Siddhartha Gautama’s awakening to become the Enlightened One Ignorance is the root cause of all this suffering.
Buddha teaches in 4 noble truths: Existence in form is suffering, whether by connection to what we hate or separation from what we love. This suffering is caused by lust. This cleaving is caused by the illusion of self. Conquering self, eliminates the material which the flame of desire feeds upon. The Eightfold Path
Eightfold Path Right comprehension. Right resolutions. Right speech. Right acts. Right way of earning a livelihood. Right efforts. Right thoughts. Right state of a peaceful mind.
Sakyamuni Buddha Ananda is Buddha’s personal assistant and has a memory sutible of recanting acuratly any of Buddha’s quotes. Mahakasyapa is an monk who was one of Buddha’s first disciples of Buddha and became the first patriarch of Buddhism.
Bhaisajaguru Buddha Amitabha Buddha the Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Eastern Paradise. Amitabha is the Buddha of Boundless Light of the Western Paradise.
Maitreya Buddha The Laughing Buddha is the Buddha of the future who is prophesized to be born as a Bodhisattva from a Brahmin Priest and to attain to become the next Buddha.
Golden Youth Jade Maiden A Bodhisattva or P’usa, in Chinese, is an Enlightened Being who forsakes Nirvana and accepts rebirth into suffering worlds for the sake of relieving the pains of sentient beings and leading them to the path of enlightenment. Golden Youth Jade Maiden Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva or Kuan Yin P’usa is the embodyment of Samsaric compassion. If she is called upon by a suffering being she will transform herself to relieve their suffering. The Youths are acolytes of Avalokiteshvara
WEN-SHU-SHIH LI P'USA or Manjusri Bodhisattva, the embodiment of Wisdom, who instructs those who meditate upon him in Dharma and stimulates them to develop wisdom. PU HSIEN P'USA or Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is the embodyment of love, sacred activity, virtue, diligent training and patience. She is often in the triad with Kuan Shih Yin (Compassion) and Wen-Shu (Wisdom) as the Three Precious Bodhisattvas whose qualities make up the Buddha's Essence.
Sangha – Means literally community but represents all living things in the universe, thus the collective of all consciousness, which exists in the 7 realms. The 6 samsaric realms or worlds are those belonging to the gods, auras, humans, animals, ghosts, and demons. The 7th realm is that of Nirvana or God. These 7 realms correspond to the seven charkas in the human being, which represent biological centers for the 7 shells of man. These realms also correspond to each row of Sephiroth upon the kabala
Wei-To P'usa, Protector of the Dharma Kuan Ti - Protector of the Buddhist religion
Mo-Li Hung - Guardian of the South (with ferocious expression, and has in his hand a precious sword). Mo-Li Hai - Guardian of the West (has with him the magic dragon or mysical snake) Mo-Li Shou - Guardian of the North (who holds an umbrella, protection against thunderous storms). Mo-Li Ching - Guardian of the East (holding a magical mandolin or p'i-pa)