Religions of China and Japan Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism
Confucianism Kung-fu-tzu: a contemporary of Gautama; Chinese civil servant who was renowned for his wisdom. Used the Chinese “classics” to write “The Analects of Kung-fu-tzu”; the basis for Confucianism The five principles of Confucianism Jen: basic respect for human dignity Chun-tzu: habitual action of Jen, making the right attitude flow into action Li: using the correct ritual in the right way Living correctly by the 5 Relationships (Ruler/subject, father/son, elder/younger, husband/wife, friend/friend Te: Governing by good example and a right intent to serve people Wen: Setting your ideals towards the good and beautiful things like art, music, and poetry
Taoism Lao-tzu: founder and author of the Tao-Te-Ching, the Taoist “scriptures” “Tao”- The way life is; the eternal principle that governs the universe A philosophy of recluses, retains much of the prehistoric religious traditions of animism, nature worship, possibility of immortality Main principle= Wu wei: non-action, natural things work harmoniously together if obstacles aren’t placed in the way Developed acupuncture to use natural herbs and stimulate toxic energy release from the “Chi”
Shintoism The most practiced religion in Japan “Shin tao”- the way of kami (the forces of nature that animate all things) The four steps to Shinto worship Purification (Harai): usually at a natural source Offerings (Shinsen): usually daily to avoid misfortune from ancestral spirits Prayers (Norito): in classical Japanese Sacred feast (Naorai): usually at festivals, but can be done just with rice wine
Small Group Questions 1. Discuss the similarities between Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism. 2. What are the differences? 3. Do you believe these are religions or philosophies? Support your answer. 4. What practices from these religions seem to be helpful to people? In what ways? 5. How do they answer the questions about life, death, and human purpose that all religions seek to deal with?
Yin-Yang The constant interplay between activity/ receptivity, feminine/ masculine. The Oriental philosophy of life that there is balance in all things. Confucianism (the moral, active lifestyle) balances Taoism (the non-active, natural way of life). Western religions have an external focus- a God that provides and creates. Eastern religions are internally focused- the spiritual nature of every person is able to be conditioned and disciplined through meditation and right living.
Religious Art
Pottery, landscapes, architecture
Buddhist Thanqka Depicts the life of Siddhartha Guatama and the legend of Buddha. Dyes and paint used on cotton or silk cloth. Story begins in the lower right-hand corner.
Fanghu Island of the Immortals and Origami Art Could be pencil drawings depicting immortal principle of Taoist religion, or paper folding techniques designed to depict a religious principle (Shinto, Taoist)
Eastern Religions Display Art Choose one of the art forms we discussed in class coming from either: Hunduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, or Shintoism. Research that art form. Why was it used? What are the different elements to that art form? What part of the religion influences the art form? Create an artistic display of this art form. Dimensions should not exceed 24”x24”, but should not be less than 6”x6”. You may use video or music as an art form as well. Write NO MORE than a one-page caption of your creation. Why did you choose this art form? What religion influenced this art form? What are two religious principles that are evident from the art form? If there is any translation that needs to be made, explanation of color usage or other unexplained portions, do so in this page caption. Total points: 50: 1 page Caption: 25 points, Artistic creation (neatness, effort, excellence, NOT artistic ability): 25 points Due: October October 29th, 30th Eastern Religions Display Art