Environment: The Science behind the Stories Lecture Outlines Chapter 2 Environment: The Science behind the Stories 4th Edition Withgott/Brennan
This lecture will help you understand: The fundamentals of matter and chemistry Energy and energy flow Photosynthesis, respiration, and chemosynthesis Plate tectonics and the rock cycle Geologic hazards and ways to mitigate them
Notes HW Write each slide title on the left side of the paper Summarize provided information on the right side of the paper If there are slides with Objectives or “this lecture will help you understand” you do NOT need to write these. Define any words or answer any questions or fill in the blanks when something appears in red. Sometimes it is a question linked to a website you should view Sometime there are comments written in purple. You do not need to write these. They are just my personal commentary Be prepared to discuss the 8 questions at the end.
Central Case Study: Clean green energy beneath our feet Hot rocks deep underground turn water into steam The Geysers: geothermal power plants in North California produce electricity for millions Wastewater pumped into the ground replenished depleted steam Extracting steam may cause earthquakes
Chemistry Chemistry? Chemistry is crucial for understanding: How gases contribute to global climate change How pollutants cause acid rain The effects on health of wildlife and people Water pollution Wastewater treatment Atmospheric ozone depletion Energy issues
Matter, Atoms, and elements The law of conservation of matter? Element? Atoms? The atom’s nucleus (center) has ? (positively charged particles) and ? (particles lacking electric charge) Atomic number? ? negatively charged particles surrounding the nucleus
Chemical building blocks Isotopes: ? Isotopes of an element behave differently Atoms that gain or lose electrons become electrically charged ?
Radioactive decay of isotopes Radioactive isotopes decay until they become non-radioactive stable isotopes Emit high-energy radiation Half-life ? Different radioscopes have different half-lives ranging from fractions of a second to billions of years Uranium-235, used in commercial nuclear power, has a half-life of 700 million years
Water’s chemistry facilitates life Hydrogen bond = oxygen from one water molecule attracts hydrogen atoms of another Water’s strong cohesion allows transport of nutrients and waste Ionic bond ? Covalent bond ?
Hydrogen ions determine acidity The pH scale quantifies the acidity of solutions Ranges from 0 to 14 ? solutions: pH < 7 ? solutions: pH > 7 ? solutions: pH = 7 A substance with pH of 6 contains ? times as many hydrogen ions as a substance with pH of 8
Matter is composed of compounds Molecules ? Compound ? Organic compounds ? Such as nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus Inorganic compounds ? Polymers ?
Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons ? The simplest hydrocarbon is methane (natural gas) Hydrocarbons can be a gas, liquid, or solid Fossil fuels consist of hydrocarbons Some can be harmful to wildlife List 3 examples besides methane?
Macromolecules: building blocks of life Macromolecules = large-sized molecules What are the three types of polymers are essential to life? Lipids are not polymers, but are also essential Fats, oil, waxes
Proteins: long chains of amino acids Produce tissues, provide structural support, store energy, transport material Animals use proteins to generate skin, hair, muscles, and tendons Some are components of the immune system or hormones They can serve as enzymes?
Nucleic acids direct protein production Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) carry hereditary information of organisms Nucleic acids ? Genes ?
Carbohydrates and lipids Sugars = simple carbohydrates of 3–7 carbons Glucose = provides energy for cells Complex carbohydrates build structures and store energy Starch = stores energy in plants Animals eat plants to get starch Chitin = forms shells of insects and crustaceans Cellulose = in cell walls of plants
We create synthetic polymers Plastics = synthetic (human-made) polymers Best known by their brand names (Nylon, Teflon, Kevlar) Many are derived from petroleum hydrocarbons Valuable because they resist chemical breakdown But they cause long-lasting waste and pollution
Energy fundamentals Energy ? Involved in physical, chemical, biological processes Potential energy ? Nuclear, mechanical energy Kinetic energy ? Thermal, light, sound, electrical, subatomic particles Chemical energy ?
Energy is conserved but changes in quality First law of thermodynamics ? Second law of thermodynamics ? Entropy = an increasing state of disorder Inputting energy from outside the system increases order
People harness energy Energy conversion efficiency ? Only 16% of the energy released is used to power the automobile – the rest is lost as heat 5% of a lightbulb’s energy is converted to light Geothermal’s 7–15% efficiency is not bad
Using solar radiation to produce food Autotrophs (primary producers)? Green plants, algae, cyanobacteria, phytoplankton Photosynthesis ?
Photosynthesis produces food Chloroplasts ? Contain chlorophyll = a light-absorbing pigment 6CO2 + 6H2O + the sun’s energy C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6O2
Cellular respiration releases chemical energy Organisms use chemical energy from photosynthesis Heterotrophs ? Animals, fungi, microbes The energy is used for cellular tasks C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Geothermal energy powers Earth’s systems Other sources of energy include: The moon’s gravitational pull Geothermal heat powered by radioactivity Radioisotopes deep in the planet heat inner Earth Heated magma erupts from volcanoes Drives plate tectonics Warm water can create geysers
Geothermal energy powers biological communities Hydrothermal vents = host communities that thrive in high temperature and pressure Chemosynthesis ? 6CO2 + 6H2O + 3H2S C6H12O6 (sugar) + 3H2SO4
Geology Physical processes at and below the Earth: Shape the landscape Lay the foundation for environmental systems and life Provide energy from fossil fuels and geothermal sources
The Earth Core ? Molten iron in the outer core Mantle ? Aesthenosphere: very soft or melted rock Area of geothermal energy Crust ? Lithosphere ? Plate tectonics ?
The Earth has 15 major tectonic plates Movement of these plates influences climate and evolution Yes they fit together well
Earth’s crust is created and destroyed Divergent plate boundaries? Has volcanoes and hydrothermal vents Transform plate boundaries? Friction spawns earthquakes along strike-slip faults
Tectonic plates can collide Convergent plate boundaries ? Subduction ?(e.x. the Cascades, Andes Mountains) Magma erupts through the surface in volcanoes Continental collision ? Built the Himalaya and Appalachian Mountains 30
The rock cycle Rock cycle ? Rock = any solid aggregation of minerals Rocks help determine soil characteristics 31
Igneous rock Magma = molten, liquid rock Lava ? Igneous rock ? 32
Sedimentary rock Sediments ? Sedimentary rock ? Sideling Hill, MD 33
Metamorphic rock Metamorphic rock ? High temperature reshapes crystals Marble = heated and pressurized limestone Slate = heated and pressurized shale 34
Geologic and natural hazards Some consequences of plate tectonics are hazardous Ring of Fire?
Earthquakes result from movement Can be caused by enhanced geothermal systems Drill deep into rock, fracture it Pump water in to heat, then extract it
Volcanoes Volcano= molten rock, hot gas, or ash erupts through Earth’s surface Cooling and creating a mountain In rift valleys? ocean ridges? subduction zones, or hotspots?
Landslides are a form of mass wasting
Tsunami ? Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides Can travel thousands of miles across oceans On December 26, 2004 an earthquake off Sumatra triggered a massive tsunami that hit Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, and African countries Killed 228,000 and displaced 1–2 million more
We can worsen impacts of natural hazards We face and affect other natural hazards: floods, coastal erosion, wildfire, tornadoes, and hurricanes Overpopulation: people must live in susceptible areas We choose to live in attractive but vulnerable areas (beaches, mountains) Engineered landscapes increase frequency or severity of hazards (damming rivers, suppressing fire, mining) Changing climate through greenhouse gases changes rainfall patterns, increases drought, fire, flooding, storms
CH 2-A Distinguish between an element, ion, and isotope. Describe the 2 major forms of energy and give 2 examples of each. Write the First Law of thermodynamics and then compared it to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. List the 3 macromolecules essential to life.
CH 2-B Describe the 3 major sources of energy that power Earth’s environmental systems. List the reactants and products for both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Describe what occurs at divergent and transform plate boundaries. Describe the 2 different processes that can take place at convergent plate boundaries.
QUESTION: Review Which of the following part of an atom has a negative charge? a) Proton b) Neutron c) Electron d) Hydrogen
QUESTION: Review Which of the following part of an atom has a negative charge? a) Proton b) Neutron c) Electron d) Hydrogen 44
QUESTION: Review Ionic bonds are bonds that: a) Share electrons b) Occur when an electron is transferred from one atom to another c) Share electrons unequally d) Lose an electron
QUESTION: Review Ionic bonds are bonds that: a) Share electrons b) Occur when an electron is transferred from one atom to another c) Share electrons unequally d) Lose an electron 46
QUESTION: Review Which of the following is NOT a reason water is essential for life? a) Water can absorb large amounts of heat without changing temperature. b) Waste and nutrients can be transported in water. c) Ice floats on liquid water, so fish survive cold winters. d) Water usually cannot dissolve other molecules.
QUESTION: Review Which of the following is NOT a reason water is essential for life? a) Water can absorb large amounts of heat without changing temperature. b) Waste and nutrients can be transported in water. c) Ice floats on liquid water, so fish survive cold winters. d) Water usually cannot dissolve other molecules. 48
QUESTION: Review Of the following macromolecules, which one is NOT a polymer? a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Nucleic acids
QUESTION: Review Of the following macromolecules, which one is NOT a polymer? a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Nucleic acids 50
QUESTION: Review Sugars, starches, and glucose are all: a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Nucleic acids
QUESTION: Review Sugars, starches, and glucose are all: a) Lipids b) Proteins c) Carbohydrates d) Nucleic acids 52
QUESTION: Review According to the second law of thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Things tend to move toward a more disorderly state. Matter can be created, but not energy. Kinetic energy is the most efficient source of energy.
QUESTION: Review According to the second law of thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Things tend to move toward a more disorderly state. Matter can be created, but not energy. Kinetic energy is the most efficient source of energy. 54
QUESTION: Review Which of the following organisms is an autotroph? Deep-sea tubeworm Horse Pine tree None of these
QUESTION: Review Which of the following organisms is an autotroph? Deep-sea tubeworm (chemotroph) Horse (heterotroph) Pine tree None of these 56
QUESTION: Review Which rock is formed from magma; for example, granite and basalt? a) Sedimentary b) Igneous c) Metamorphic d) Phosphorus
QUESTION: Review Which rock is formed from magma; for example, granite and basalt? a) Sedimentary b) Igneous c) Metamorphic d) Phosphorus 58
QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data A molecule of the hydrocarbon ethane contains: a) 10 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms b) 8 carbon molecules and 10 hydrogen enzymes c) Carbon and hydrogen DNA d) Two different ions
QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data A molecule of the hydrocarbon ethane contains: a) 10 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms b) 8 carbon molecules and 10 hydrogen enzymes c) Carbon and hydrogen DNA d) Two different ions 60
QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data Which is the most acidic material? a) Soft soap b) Rainwater c) Acid rain d) Lemon juice
QUESTION: Interpreting Graphs and Data Which is the most acidic material? a) Soft soap b) Rainwater c) Acid rain d) Lemon juice 62
In order to make 1 plastic soda bottle, ~100L of crude oil are used, 100kg of steel, 100L of H2O, and various amounts of other materials; therefore, A plastic bottles have high resource productivity B plastic bottles have low material efficiency C plastic bottles represent an efficient use of materials D Most of the matter used to manufacture plastic bottles ends up in the bottle
In order to make 1 plastic soda bottle, ~100L of crude oil are used, 100kg of steel, 100L of H2O, and various amounts of other materials; therefore, A plastic bottles have high resource productivity B plastic bottles have low material efficiency C plastic bottles represent an efficient use of materials D Most of the matter used to manufacture plastic bottles ends up in the bottle
Which of the following is not an example of a physical change? A confetti is cut from a piece of paper B Water evaporates from a lake C Ice cubes are formed in the freezer D A plant converts CO2 into carbohydrates E A tree is cut down
Which of the following is not an example of a physical change? A confetti is cut from a piece of paper B Water evaporates from a lake C Ice cubes are formed in the freezer D A plant converts CO2 into carbohydrates E A tree is cut down
Of the following options to deal with nondegradable pollutants, the LEAST effective is to A remove it from the contaminated air, water, or soil B reuse them C recycle them D refrain them from introducing them into the environment
Of the following options to deal with nondegradable pollutants, the LEAST effective is to A remove it from the contaminated air, water, or soil B reuse them C recycle them D refrain them from introducing them into the environment
Energy input A usually greater than energy output B always greater than energy output C always equal to energy output D usually less than energy output E always less than energy output
Energy input A usually greater than energy output B always greater than energy output C always equal to energy output D usually less than energy output E always less than energy output
Which of the followings statements is true? A Exposure of a substance to alpha, beta, or gamma radiation makes it radioactive B all isotopes are radioactive C radioactive isotopes give off radiation at a fixed rate D Only naturally occurring substances are radioactive E radioactive isotopes give off radiation at a variable rate
Which of the followings statements is true? A Exposure of a substance to alpha, beta, or gamma radiation makes it radioactive B all isotopes are radioactive C radioactive isotopes give off radiation at a fixed rate D Only naturally occurring substances are radioactive E radioactive isotopes give off radiation at a variable rate
The Earth zone with the most volume and mass is the Lithosphere Core Crust Mantle Oceanic crust
The Earth zone with the most volume and mass is the Lithosphere Core Crust Mantle Oceanic crust
The energy sources primarily responsible for Earth’s external geological processes are Energy from the sun and magnetism Energy from the sun and gravity Energy from the sun and heat from the Earth’s interior Gravity and magnetism Gravity and heat from the Earth’s interior
The energy sources primarily responsible for Earth’s external geological processes are Energy from the sun and magnetism Energy from the sun and gravity Energy from the sun and heat from the Earth’s interior Gravity and magnetism Gravity and heat from the Earth’s interior
The type of rock that covers most of Earth’s land surface is Metamorphic Igneous Sedimentary Gemstones Plasticized
The type of rock that covers most of Earth’s land surface is Metamorphic Igneous Sedimentary Gemstones Plasticized
Tectonic plates move apart in opposite directions at a Transform fault Divergent plate boundary Convergent plate boundary Subduction zone Lithosphere fault
Tectonic plates move apart in opposite directions at a Transform fault Divergent plate boundary Convergent plate boundary Subduction zone Lithosphere fault
A We cannot throw anything away because there is no “away” All of the following statements can be concluded from the law of conservation of matter except A We cannot throw anything away because there is no “away” B There will always be pollution of some sort C We will eventually run out of matter if we keep consuming it at current rates D Everything must go somewhere E We do consume matter Copyright C Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
All of the following statements can be concluded from the law of conservation of matter except A We cannot throw anything away because there is no “away” B There will always be pollution of some sort C We will eventually run out of matter if we keep consuming it at current rates D Everything must go somewhere E We do consume matter
A B C D E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Place the letters in the appropriate order to match the proper pH of the following liquids: ____ Lemon juice Ammonia Distilled water highly acidic rainfall Normal rainfall
A B C D E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Place the letters in the appropriate order to match the proper pH of the following liquids: A E D B C Lemon juice Ammonia Distilled water highly acidic rainfall Normal rainfall