Report to UEMS Surgical Section 14th May 2016 Belfast Emergency Surgery Report to UEMS Surgical Section 14th May 2016 Belfast
Emergency Surgery working group: Sebastian Roka (Austria) Pol Rommens (Germany) Lars Bo Svendsen (Denmark) Jonathan Tilsed (UK) Fernando Turegano (Spain) Eric Voiglio (France) Selman Uranüs (Austria) Mauro Zago (Italy) Patrick Baque (France) Tina Gaarder (Norway) Folke Hammarqvist (Sweden) Hayato Kurihara (Italy) Ilana Lyytinen (Finland) Isidro Martinez (Spain) Carlos Mesquita (Portugal) Mahir Ozmen (Turkey) Andreas Platz (Switzerland)
Honorary Diploma Senior Surgeons Teaching Research Development of Emergency Surgery Time limited – 30th April 2017 12 Awarded
Preparation for examination 176 MCQs (working group) Apos Aneg Kprim Etype Apos Aneg Draft paper of 100 questions (blueprint) Road test: 2 independent experts Final MCQ paper: 3rd independent expert OSCE (examiners) 6 stations x 2 scenarios = 12 Eligibility committee (6 + chairman)
Candidates: Applications opened online 22nd October 2015 6 applicants 2 provided incomplete data subsequently corrected 6 candidates
Pass mark for MCQ 75% Pass mark for OSCE 75% Pass mark overall 75% 2 candidates PASSED Others will be permitted to retake the exam once without paying the fee.
Feedback: Well organised Reading list would help Too much trauma/too little trauma Streamline application process
Next examination: Friday 5th May 2017, Bucharest, Romania