Rapid Application Development By kieron and zak
Key Principles The key objective of RAD is for fast development and delivery of a high quality system while using a low investment cost. Breaks project into smaller segments to speed up the completion of the development process Makes the user requirements and system specifications fit better.
Advantages fast to update system design to match users requirements. The user has an active involvement with the software. Standard system analysis and design techniques can be fitted in to this model. Components can be reused. Development times reduced.
Disadvantages Only systems that can be modularized can be built using RAD. Not usable for cheaper projects as the cost of modelling and code generation is too high. Has a higher dependency on modelling skills.
references http://dcrj2010.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/principles-and-strengths-of-rapid-application-development/ - principles and strengths of RAD http://www.rapidprogramming.com/questions-answers/What-is-RAD-model-or-Prototyping-Model--790 - The four stages http://istqbexamcertification.com/what-is-rad-model-advantages-disadvantages-and-when-to-use-it/ - Advantages and disadvantages