Welcome To PowerPoint
Objective: For YOU to come away from this PD with something you can USE in your classes.
What is it that we need to concentrate on? Beginning PP Create slide/add animation & sound/add pictures Intermediate PP Printing 6 slides per page/screenshots/links
Beginning PP Creating your first PPP Start PP Should see this
Choose “Design Template”
This will bring up choices of backgrounds Find one you like Click “OK”
Or another option You can choose “Blank Presentation” and choose a color, pattern, or picture for your background.
Choose “Background” Choose “Fill Effects” or choose one of the colors You can choose from Gradient, Texture, Pattern, or Picture
If you choose “Fill Effects” You can choose from Gradient, Texture, Pattern, or Picture
This brings up the “New Slide” box My experience has been to choose either of the first two layouts. This will give you fewer headaches. This brings up the “New Slide” box
Toolbars Toolbars can help you make your presentation more efficiently Click “View” then “Toolbars” Be sure these are checked
If toolbar boxes appear, click and drag the boxes to the top or bottom so you won’t have to move them all the time
Drag toolbar to the bottom Drag others to the top
Let’s add a title Click in the title box and type a title for your presentation
This is 72 pt This is 66 pt This is 60 pt This is 54 pt Be sure to make your text large enough for students to see. Keep in mind those with poor vision.
Click here and type a subtitle, a byline, or subpoints
To indent the points under the main point, use the TAB key To get back to the main point level, press SHIFT TAB
New Slide To add a new slide, click the New Slide icon in your toolbar
Text Animation You should have clicked on the 2nd slide layout
Find this icon somewhere in your toolbars
The “Custom Animation” box will appear
With your cursor in the title text box, pull down this box
Sometimes text animation is distracting. Only use it when appropriate
Add Sound Pull the “No Sound” box down and choose a sound
Choose an appropriate sound Don’t use sound just for the sake of using sound
The overuse of sounds can be very distracting. Only use sounds when appropriate
Press “OK”
Adding a picture Let’s assume we want to find a picture from the internet
Click images www.google.com
Let’s search for a picture of a Hershey bar
Choose the picture you like best and right click the picture
Choose “Copy” Go back to your PPP to the slide where you want to put your picture Right click on the slide (not inside one of the text boxes) Choose “Paste”
This will place your picture onto your slide
On Your Own Finish this slide; create 4 more slides (total of 6) Animate the text Add sound Add a picture
Intermediate PP
Printing 6 slides/pg I used PP everyday in my classroom. When I had to be absent, I would make the PPPs in advance and make handouts to give to the students.
Choose “File”, “Print”
Toward the bottom left, pull down that box and choose “Handouts”
Let’s put 6 slides on our handout
Screenshots Screenshots are pictures of what you see on your screen
In order to copy what is on your screen, press SHIFT and the PRINT SCREEN KEY This copies the image to your clipboard
Go back to your PPP Right click on the slide where you want the screenshot to appear Click “Paste” Voila’
I have right clicked and am ready to click Paste
You may have to resize your screenshot after it is pasted onto your slide Find the “handles” on the corners of the picture frame Click and hold down Move the mouse to make the picture smaller
Why would I want screenshots? You can show your students exactly what to do/where you are in a program Gives visual cues as to where they should be
Links Making links to web addresses This will allow you to have a little control of where you want your students to go on the net.
Find a website you would like to use in your presentation Highlight the address Right click and COPY
Type some text that has to do with the link Kerry’s Page Type some text that has to do with the link Highlight it Right click Hyperlink
Kerry’s Page Copy the address to the space provided or find it in the list Click OK
My Webpage http://www.clark.k12.ky.us/trt/kerryelliott/
Use CD music for presentation Insert Movies & Sounds Play CD Audio Track Choose the proper track Check the “loop” option if you want your music to loop
Loop a presentation Slide Show Set up Show Loop continuously until ESC
Finding additional backgrounds Graphicsland InZones Website Estates Sonia Coleman
Adding video Insert Movies and Sounds From file Find your movie to insert into your presentation