My Journey INTO HOPE SHARE THE HOPE Depending on your audience, take some time to introduce yourself, why you are giving the presentation. Outline the journey your presentation will take.
In (date) I began sponsoring (child’s name) through Compassion UK. SHARE THE HOPE My Journey INTO HOPE Add your own picture…. Add your own picture…. Add your own picture…. This is (name of child)—a boy/girl that I/we have sponsored since (date). Briefly share a little about this child; any personal thoughts or feelings. How has this blessed you? How has this child impacted your family and your faith? By sponsoring (name) through Compassion, (I/we) have found a personal way to intervene in (her or his) life, tell (her or him) that (she or he) is loved and help (her or him) to find a way out of poverty. We write to (name) and we get letters back. (She or he) knows that we care about (her or him) and (she or he) has become a very special person in our lives. In (date) I began sponsoring (child’s name) through Compassion UK.
My Journey INTO HOPE In (date) I had the privilege of meeting (name) Add your own picture…. Add your own picture….
Why COMPASSION? Christ Centred Child Focused Church Based SHARE THE HOPE Why COMPASSION? Christ Centred Child Focused Church Based As one of the world’s leading child development organisations, Compassion works with local churches in poor communities across 26 developing countries. Compassion reaches out to the poorest of the poor, with the aim of ending poverty for children and their families. Three values that make Compassion distinct… Christ-Centred Jesus Christ is at the heart of Compassion's ministry. Every child who participates in a Compassion programme is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus and discover how to develop a lifelong relationship with God. This good news is modelled and shared in age-appropriate and culturally relevant ways - never by coercion. Children who attend Compassion projects come from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds helping reach the neediest children in a community regardless of their faith. Child Focused Compassion believes that every child is special, uniquely made by God. This is why Compassion's ministry is focused on the individual child and meeting their specific needs by equipping them with the skills and resources necessary to overcome poverty. By transforming an individual child’s life, they will in turn change their environments. Church Based Compassion works exclusively in partnership with over 6,000 local churches in developing countries. Compassion believes only the local church is uniquely and best placed to know the specific needs of their communities and provide integrity, long term commitment and Christian support to children and their families.
What does COMPASSION DO? Holistic Child Development SHARE THE HOPE What does COMPASSION DO? Holistic Child Development Formal and non-formal educational opportunities Health check-ups, hygiene training and supplementary food Age-appropriate Christian teaching and discipleship A phrase like ‘holistic child development’ can sound a bit dull, but it’s at the heart of what Compassion does. Rather than simply responding to a child’s needs by handing out food or giving out a Bible, Compassion seeks to develop children in all aspects of their lives, their minds, bodies and relationships – as they discover God’s love for them in the gospel of Jesus Christ. To achieve this, Compassion has developed four programmes that work together to care for the specific developmental and spiritual needs of children through all stages of development. These provide… Formal and non-formal educational opportunities Health care, hygiene training and supplementary food Age-appropriate Christian teaching and discipleship One-to-one support, guidance and love One-to-one, guidance and love.
Where does COMPASSION WORK? SHARE THE HOPE Where does COMPASSION WORK? Funding countries Compassion works with the poorest of the poor in 26 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. Compassion also has 12 partner country offices around the world which provide the funds, resources, and assistance with programme development. Globally, more than 1.6 MILLION children are being released from poverty through our partnership with over 6,000 local churches in 26 countries.
COMPASSION really works. SHARE THE HOPE COMPASSION really works. According to independent research, Compassion-sponsored children are: 27–40 per cent more likely to finish secondary education About 35 per cent more likely to have white collar employment as adults 40–70 per cent more likely to become church leaders According to independent research former Compassion-sponsored children: • Stay in school longer than their non-sponsored peers. • Were more likely to have salaried/white-collar jobs than their non-sponsored peers. • Were more likely to be leaders in their communities and churches. (More information can be found here: … than their unsponsored peers.
COMPASSION really works. SHARE THE HOPE COMPASSION really works. “If I were not sponsored, I would never have known happiness or joy, or even had a childhood.” Radhika’s father abandoned her when she was a year old. Her mother got married a second time and since then has shown little interest in caring for her daughter. Her second father won’t accept another man’s child as his child. This was deeply upsetting for Radhika. At her Compassion project, Radika knows she is known and loved. Her sponsor is a doctor and it is Radhika’s dream to become a doctor too. She does well in school as believes she will achieve her dream. Her sponsor encourages her through letters. When she receives a letter she is overjoyed. She takes it to the chapel and reads it, savouring every sentence, slowly. “At my Compassion project I am known and loved.”
COMPASSION IS FINANCIALLY responsible SHARE THE HOPE COMPASSION IS FINANCIALLY responsible The development and implementation of Compassion programmes that directly benefit the child. 80% 12% Fundraising and finding sponsors for more children living in abject poverty. £25 6% Admin and governance. *Optional Slide* Depending on your presentation you may wish to leave this slide out. Compassion is committed to using supporters’ money wisely. All of Compassion projects and field offices are subject to regular internal and external audits. As a UK Charity all of Compassion accounts are subject to external audit and are filed with Companies House and the Charity Commission. Compassion ensures at least 80% of all our expenditure goes to programme activities for the children. Child ministry to facilitate a personal, one-to-one relationship between the sponsor and child. 2%
My Journey INTO HOPE SHARE THE HOPE These next few slides give you an opportunity to share your personal experience of sponsorship and meeting your sponsored child. As someone who has seen the work of Compassion you are in a unique position to back up what you’ve just shared with personal experience. Pick out some key highlights from your visit that impacted you. To add more slides simply select ‘duplicate slide’ by right clicking the slide in the side bar.
My Journey INTO HOPE SHARE THE HOPE These next few slides give you an opportunity to share your personal experience of sponsorship and meeting your sponsored child. As someone who has seen the work of Compassion you are in a unique position to back up what you’ve just shared with personal experience. Pick out some key highlights from your visit that impacted you. To add more slides simply select ‘duplicate slide’ by right clicking the slide in the side bar.
My Journey INTO HOPE SHARE THE HOPE These next few slides give you an opportunity to share your personal experience of sponsorship and meeting your sponsored child. As someone who has seen the work of Compassion you are in a unique position to back up what you’ve just shared with personal experience. Pick out some key highlights from your visit that impacted you.
SHARE THE HOPE What part CAN YOU PLAY? If you’re excited about what you’ve just learnt, the best way to get involved is by sponsoring a child. If you are excited about what you’ve just seen and heard, the best way to get involved is by sponsoring a child.
SHARE THE HOPE How it Works. It costs just £25 a month to sponsor a child and transform a life. As a sponsor you’ll receive; Photos and updated information Letters to keep you connected Compassion news and updates about our work For £25 a month, you can invest in a one-to-one relationship with a child in the developing world, encouraging him or her through letters, prayers and support. By sponsoring a child you are also responding to Jesus’ call to serve those living in poverty. Through sponsorship you are making a tangible difference to global poverty, one child at a time.