Freshman Parent Night Quarter 1 Check-In
Freshmen Staff Mr. Doug Fulton-Principal Mr. Ken Christopher-Director of School Counseling Mr. Calvin Adams-Administrator Intern Mrs. Kathryn Koscinski-Administrator Intern Ms. Jennifer Schrader-School Counselor Mr. Eric Cusick-School Counselor
Freshmen Year Taking steps towards independence *Communication In order to learn how to get up, one must be allowed to fall *Resilience Know your Resources Know your student is not alone *Support
FHS School counselors If your last name starts with…. A-Cap Mrs. Schrader Car-Fr Mrs. Goldberg Fs-Kas Ms. D (Adu-Gyamfi) Kau-Mc Mrs. Eck Me-Po Ms. Hurley Pr-St Mr. Cusick Sti-Z Ms. Burke Director Mr. Christopher
When you have questions or concerns about… Why see your counselor? When you have questions or concerns about… Academics Social/relationships (school & home) College and Career GPA= Grade Point Average Transcript How do I see my counselor? “Request to see counselor” slips Email us Check in at the counseling office
Student Vue/Parent Vue
What’s my GPA? Why do I care what my GPA is now? It’s an average of all of your grades Gives you an overall picture of learning It’s a common measure used in all high schools Colleges use it for admissions
Grades & Quality Points
What is a transcript? Your official record Proof you graduated from high school The document sent to colleges, the military, for employment, for scholarships
GPA Start the Video at 12 seconds Video is 6 Min
What is my 1st quarter GPA? Convert your grades to Quality Points (e.g. B+ = 3.7) Add .5 for Honors classes (B= 3 +.5 for Honors) Add all Quality Points Divide by the number of classes
Where can you get help? Meet with the teacher: students can email them or ask in person about setting up a time Math lab: every study hall in room #L408 Academic Support Center/ Student lounge: during study hall, room #400 Science study halls: Earth science is by appointment, Biology is Tues- Thurs before and after school Use the teacher’s electronic site: VISION, Google Classroom, Edmodo, etc. Tutor list: FHS website school counseling tutor information (downloadable list) National Honor Society Tutors: can contact sponsors (Ms. Short & Mr. King) to link students up, plus they will begin weekly tutoring sessions Tuesday mornings in the Media Center World Language Tutors: Sign up with your world language teachers
Get involved! Have fun! Club Fair (on website) Music Theater Sports
Students Need to Know… Wellness
How are YOU feeling? Parent Q & A? Freshmen Parents How are YOU feeling? Parent Q & A?