Prof. Krastyo Petkov, EHSEM- Plovdiv Bulgarian labour market in the EU context Presentation at the summer school of EIGER-TEMPUS Project, Tbilisi, 23-25.11, 2016 Prof. Krastyo Petkov, EHSEM- Plovdiv
Introductory notes Transformation of BG LM: Point of departure – 1991 Slow reforms, imposed by the IFI’s Transition by design From full, centrally maintained employment, to permanent unemployment The impact of demographic crisis
Some demographic date Population Employed Employment Index % 1990 9,0 Mln 4, 10 Almost full 2015 7,3 3,03 49,1 2015 Urban 2.42 58,8 2015 Rural 0.61 36,6
Transition: tree fazes of LM developments, dominated by neoliberal model 1st Faze Deregulation without limits Emerging LM 2-nd faze Pre-accession period Institutionalisaton of LM Third Faze Structural disproportions in the LM Crisis period
BG LM: Institutional network Employment agency 2000 National tripartite body 1993 Economic and social counsel 1999 Mediation and arbitration Institute 2001 SD Dismantle; decentralization and reducing of Sectoral contracts
Dimensions of structural disproportions Regional Generational Educational Ethnic LM Entry & Exit Mechanisms don’t work properly
Neoliberal orthodoxy and LM: the vicious circle of negative effects and paradoxes Down grading Service economy Low competi- tiveness Labour emigration Deindustria lization
European failed forecasts Lisbon strategy Out of date Europe 2020 Un-realistic Conver- gence Divergence Contradiction: austerity-LM optimism- Doing Business tool
Regionalization of EU employment systems The end of common European LM! ? New Europe South periphery Old Europe Elasticity & low growth; Triade: Rececion-unequality-Poverty
Dual nature of crisis unemployment First & Second/shadow Economy Regulated Unregulated Quantitative Qualitative
Digital impacts on work and employment Digitalization process LM Segmentation Tele-work Roboti zation Mobile investors
The end Thank you for your attention! Any questions!
In Memoriam This Presentation was consulted with Grigor Gradev – ILO and ETUI expert The chapter “LM and Digital economics” had been prepared jointly by Grigor Gradev and Krastyo Petkov.