Forms of Media Language Semiotic Analysis
Learning Objectives Be able to understand media terminology. Be able to analyse an image using denotation and connotation. Be able to make reference to Saussure’s theory and Iconography. Learning Outcomes- Application of knowledge and understanding of media language is; Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic
Complete all presentations
Representation Denotation and connotation Denotation-What you literally see. Connotation- The meaning of it.
Denotation Write down everything that you see. For example, Pink writing with orange outline.
Connotation Write down a meaning for everything that you identified for denotation. For example, pink writing suggests femininity and baby girls.
Make notes on Iconography, Saussure’s theory and Representation Denotation Connotation
Find your own album cover on the computer and apply Denotation and connotation. Apply your knowledge on iconography and Saussure’s theory on semiotics. Superimposition
Learning Outcomes- Application of knowledge and understanding of media language is; Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic