Mrs. Richmond’s CA Class September 5-13 Review activities can be found at: Unit 1 Lesson The School Play Review the Level Ups for Plot Stage, Connotation and Denotation, and Fragments and Run-ons. Review vocabulary words by playing the interactive vocab game. This week’s vocabulary list. (Tested vocabulary terms are in bold print.) The School Play A short story by Gary Soto narrative relentless prop smirked pioneer rehearsed unison fluke starvation revising climax conflict resolution denotation fragment exposition rising action falling action predicate This week’s CA Standards: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator in a text. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings. Interpret information in diverse media and explain how it contributes to a topic under study. Most frequently asked 6th grade question: Will we do AR tests or book reports? Answer: Yes – I ask students to read two 100 page on-level books each marking period. Types of book reports can be found on my teacher’s page under Independent Reading. AR tests are included on the list of book report options. Book report #1 will be due Friday, September 29. One book this marking period should be historical or cultural fiction. Please keep in mind that the dates for each lesson are highly subject to change based on class time interruptions, student needs, strange weather patterns…