Nomenclature of Straight Chain Alkanes Count the amount of C atom. Write the prefix name based on the amount of C atom, then add the ending-ane.
Numerical Prefix 1 meth(a)- 6 hex(a)- 2 eth(a)- 7 hept(a)- 3 prop(a)- 8 oct(a)- 4 but(a)- 9 non(a)- 5 pent(a)- 10 dec(a)-
Nomenclature of Straight Chain Alkanes 1 2 3 prop(a) + ane = propane
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes Find the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the skeleton structure. Name the compound as a derivative of the alkane with this number of carbon atoms. Name the substituent on the chain. Substituent derived from alkanes are named by replacing the -ane ending with -yl. Number the chain starting at the end nearest the first substituent and specify the carbon atoms on which the substituent is located. Use the lowest possible numbers. Use the prefixes di-, and tri- be substituents that are found two, or three, times on the same chain of carbon atoms. Arrange the names of the substituents in alphabetical order.
Basic Rules Branch number + substituent prefix + root name
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes pent(a) + ane = pentane
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes meth(ane) + -yl = methyl
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes 1 2 3 4 5 2-methylpentane 4-methylpentane
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes 1 2 3 4 5 Amount of Longest Continuous Chain of C Atoms 5 Prefix pent- Ending -ane Amount of Branch Chain of C Atoms 1 Name of Branch Chain methyl Branch Position 2 2-methylpentane
Give the name of the following structure! Amount of Longest Continuous Chain of C Atoms 5 Prefix pent- Ending -ane Amount of Branch Chain of C Atoms 1 Name of Branch Chain methyl Branch Position 2,2,4 2,2,4-trimethylpentane
Conclusion Nomenclature of Straight Chain Alkanes Count the amount of C atom. Write the prefix name based on the amount of C atom, then add the ending-ane.
Nomenclature of Branched Chain Alkanes Find the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the skeleton structure. Name the compound as a derivative of the alkane with this number of carbon atoms. Name the substituent on the chain. Substituent derived from alkanes are named by replacing the -ane ending with -yl. Number the chain starting at the end nearest the first substituent and specify the carbon atoms on which the substituent is located. Use the lowest possible numbers. Use the prefixes di-, and tri- be substituents that are found two, or three, times on the same chain of carbon atoms. Arrange the names of the substituents in alphabetical order.